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Master your communication skills

Increase your confidence, charisma, and authenticity — at work and in life

Online courses

50K+ people have taken our courses. Get advanced help with your confidence, communication, and people skills.

People School

Advanced Interpersonal Communication

People School is designed to help you advance your career, stand out from your peers, and give you the communication foundation you need


Microexpression and Facial Expression

Quickly, accurately, and easily spot the true meaning of facial expressions.

Powerful Presentations

Presentation Skills

In this live stream training, learn to captivate any audience on stage, on video, and in meetings.

Lie Detection

Lie Detection

Never miss a lie again. Learn how to spot deception and uncover hidden emotions. Follow our science-backed framework and unlock the secret language of lies.

Conversation Mastery

Conversation Mastery

Do you struggle with small talk? Do you often run out of things to say or feel awkward and self-conscious in social situations? Conversation Mastery teaches you the secrets of master conversationalists and gives you the skills you need to have confident, engaging, and captivating conversations with anyone, anywhere.


Vanessa’s best-selling books are available in 17 languages. Find them on Amazon, Audible (Vanessa reads the books herself), or wherever books are sold.


The Science of Succeeding With People


Master the Secret Language of Charismatic Communication

Free Trainings

Get immediate help with Vanessa’s hour-long online classes.

Be Indispensable at Work

Discover the secret to unlocking your expert power, setting yourself apart from your coworkers, and skyrocketing your success. Let me introduce you to a groundbreaking framework that will revolutionize how you approach your goals and career this year.

Make an Amazing Impression at Work

Do you want people to respect you and your ideas? Do you want to be indispensable? This training will give you the tools and knowledge to change how people perceive you and take your career to the next level.

Praiseworthy Performance

Praiseworthy Performance

10x your effectiveness at work. Inspire people to take action. Prime every conversation for success (before you ever walk in the room). Remove the self-sabotaging social beliefs holding you back.

The 5 Laws of Influence

The 5 Laws of Influence

Understand how making a significant impact on people can help you reach your goals. Be influential without being inauthentic.

3 Steps to Get Unstuck

Fight Burnout: 3 Steps to Get Unstuck

Do you need a reset? In this training, Vanessa will give you her three steps for preventing and curing burnout. If you are feeling dread, anxiety, or boredom, it might be time to try something different. Let us help!

Deal with Difficult People at Work

How to Deal with Difficult People at Work

Do you have colleagues whom you dread working with? A toxic boss? I want to teach you my framework for transforming your difficult relationships into productive ones (or at least managing them well!). Learn how to spot, contain, and transform your difficult people.

Be Likable Without Being Inauthentic

Be Likable Without Being Inauthentic

You do not have to pretend to be outgoing to be likable. Introverts, ambiverts, and compassionate extroverts can be likable AND authentic. Being likable is one of the most important people skills for your success. When you are more likable, EVERYTHING becomes easier. You have better conversations, you are more productive, and people enjoy being with you.

Vanessa shows her Japanese Screen background while displaying her book, Captivate.

Find Your Calling

We’ll explore the power of aligning your work with your passions and how to carve out a niche that excites you and serves the world. You’ll leave with actionable strategies for applying your strengths in authentic and invigorating ways. It’s time to stop wondering what could be and start living your purpose.

Set Better Goals Using Science

Set Better Goals Using Science

Do you consistently achieve your goals? If you have missed your goals or feel you are underperforming to your potential, then it is time you learn our science-backed framework for goal-setting. Never miss a goal again.

Virtual Workplaces and How to Thrive Remotely

Virtual Workplaces and How to Thrive Remotely

Do you know how to be charismatic on video chat? How to be productive while working at home? In this workshop, Vanessa will transform your work-at-home day to be more successful, satisfying, and productive.

Unlock the Power of Digital Body Language

Revamp your online presence in 0.05 seconds—boost your career, dating life, and personal connections. This training reveals how to make a killer first impression before you even meet someone.

Vanessa Van Edwards and her friend Lacey talking. Vanessa is using a head talk which is a great tip and gesture to use when you are learning how to network.

A Nice Person’s Guide to Being Assertive

Nice people can also be assertive. You can be both likable and respected without sacrificing who you are.

Learn with me

Let’s master your communication, presence & relationships!

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