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37 Best Conversation Games You Can Play Right Now

Conversation games can be a great way to get to know old friends better, bond with colleagues, or break the ice with new acquaintances. 

Try one of the games from this list the next time you’re in a group of people you want to get to know better.  

Talking Games That Help You Get to Know Someone Better 

Talking games can spark interesting conversations with people you’ve known for a long time. If someone shares a fascinating insight from their life, remember to ask them more about it later. 

Two truths and a lie

This game lets you get to know the people you’re speaking with and learn about their life experiences. 

To play, one person tells two truthful facts about themselves and one lie. Everyone else then guesses, which is a made-up statement.

For example, a person might say something like…

  • “I went skydiving before.”
  • “My favorite food is canned meat.”
  • “I have two dogs and a cat.”

Then, the others would have to guess which one is the lie. Suppose you already know the people you’re playing with well. In that case, you may have to get creative when thinking of facts to share…facilitating deeper rapport.

Hot takes

A “hot take” is an unpopular opinion a person feels strongly about. This game is played by people randomly calling out their hot takes and then everyone else weighing in on the debate. 

You’re bound to find out some strong, niche opinions your friends hold. 

Some examples of hot takes are: 

  • Oatmeal raisin cookies are better than chocolate chip cookies
  • The Lord of the Rings movies are better than the books 
  • Omelets are the best way to eat eggs
  • Universal Studios is better than Disneyland
  • Bacon doesn’t taste good
  • The band, The Beatles, is overrated
  • ASMR is stressful

This game is incredibly entertaining when you get creative with your hot takes! 

Beware: Set some ground rules before playing to avoid politics, religion, or other sensitive topics.

Watch our video below to learn how to start a conversation with anyone using these killer conversation starters:

Would you rather…

A classic word game that you can make as goofy as you want. Present two scenarios and see which one people would choose if given a choice. 

They can both be positive, negative, or just plain unbelievable. 

Here are ideas to get you started: 

  • Would you rather travel 100 years in the future or 100 years in the past?
  • Would you rather be Ironman or Captain America? 
  • Would you rather lose your keys or your phone? 
  • Would you rather live in Paris or Bangkok? 
  • Would you rather see a spider in your house every day or have a mosquito bite you once a week? 
  • Would you rather never listen to music or never be able to read another book? 

As people answer, they can explain their reasoning for choosing one scenario over the other. 

High, low, and buffalo

If you want more details than “How are you?” given, try asking your loved ones to share their highs, lows, and buffalo.

High: Something that’s going well in life

Low: Something in life that’s been bumming them out 

Buffalo: Something random, funny, or interesting that’s going on in life

For example, someone might say:

High: I finally got my raise last week!

Low: It’s not as much as I hoped.

Buffalo: I asked them to put a second microwave in the breakroom as a job perk. Do you think they will say yes?

I like you because…

Participants take turns saying what they appreciate about one another in this sweet, uplifting game. 

Sit in a circle and have everyone say something nice about the person next to them. After going around the circle, mix up where everyone is sitting, so you now say something nice about a different player. 

Try playing this game if you’re navigating conflict in the workplace or with loved ones. It can remind you that despite your differences, you genuinely care about the people you’re with.

Better than before

 In close relationships, it can be easy to get stuck in a rut of asking “How are you?” or “How was [event]?” over and over again. This game allows participants to deepen relationships—and get to know them better than before! 

Invite a friend, partner, parent, or coworker to share dinner or a cup of coffee with you. Then, ask them questions that will give you new insights into their dreams, hopes, and thoughts.

Here are some questions to get you started: 

  • When did you last sing to yourself or someone else? 
  • What would your perfect day look like? 
  • What is an accomplishment in your life that you’re proud of?
  • What do you value most in friendship?

Don’t rush through the questions! As they answer, follow any interesting threads that strike your fancy. One great way to do this is to ask variations of “why?”

Let’s take the first question as an example.

Person 1: “When did you last sing to yourself or someone else?”

Person 2: “Yesterday I was stuck in traffic on my way to work, so I sang along with the radio. I don’t like singing around other people, so I only really sing in the shower or car.”

Person 1: “That’s great. I love singing in the car! Why don’t you like singing around other people.” 

Pro Tip: Encourage them to share more by pointing out things you have in common! 

Person 2: “Oh, I don’t know. I guess I get nervous that people are judging me.” 

Person 1: “I’m sorry to hear that, is the possibility of people judging you hard for you?” 

Person 2: “Yeah, I grew up in a very high-achieving family and felt like if I couldn’t be perfect at something, I should give it up.” 

From there, you can dive more into the family culture and the challenges you faced growing up. Once the conversation has run its course, turn back to your list of questions and jump to the next one. 

Check out this list of 36 Deep Questions for a list of great questions

Virtual Conversation Games

Virtual conversation games are a great way to connect with friends, family, or colleagues, even when you’re miles apart. These games are designed to be played online, making them perfect for video calls1 or virtual gatherings.

Online Trivia Games

Online trivia games are a fantastic way to engage participants by testing their knowledge across various topics. They help break the ice and stimulate friendly competition.

How to Play:

  1. Choose an online platform that supports trivia games, such as Kahoot!2, Quizizz3, or Jackbox Games4
  2. The host creates a trivia quiz with questions covering different categories like history, pop culture, science, and more.
  3. Share the game link or code with all participants.
  4. Players join the game using their devices and answer questions in real-time.
  5. The platform scores the answers, and the player or team with the highest score at the end wins.

Pro Tip: Personalize the trivia questions to include fun facts or inside jokes about the participants to make the game more engaging and relatable!

Virtual Escape Rooms

Virtual escape rooms are great if you’re looking for a challenge! Escape rooms often combine puzzles such as finding the odd-image-out or navigating a maze-like puzzle.

How to Play:

  1. Choose an online escape room provider, such as The Escape Game, Enchambered5, or Lock Paper Scissors6
  2. Select a themed escape room adventure. Options range from classic mystery and detective themes to more fantastical settings like space stations or ancient temples.
  3. Share the access link with all participants.
  4. Work together to solve puzzles, find clues, and complete the mission within the given time frame.
  5. Communicate effectively using video call platforms like Zoom, Skype, or Google Meet.

Pro Tip: Assign roles such as puzzle solver, clue tracker, and timekeeper to ensure everyone is involved and the team works efficiently. This helps to keep the group organized and focused on different aspects of the challenge.

Video Call Icebreakers

Video call icebreakers are ideal for starting virtual meetings or gatherings on a fun and interactive note. They help ease participants into the conversation and build rapport.

How to Play:

  1. Choose a simple icebreaker game such as “Two Truths and a Lie,” “Would You Rather,” or “20 Questions.”
  2. Each participant takes a turn sharing their answers or responding to prompts.
  3. Encourage everyone to participate and share their thoughts to foster a sense of connection.
  4. Use the chat feature for additional interaction and fun.


  • Two Truths and a Lie: Each participant shares three statements about themselves – two true and one false. The others guess which statement is the lie.

Pro Tip: Keep the icebreakers short and sweet to maintain energy levels and engagement during the virtual call.

Online Pictionary

Online Pictionary is a creative and hilarious way to bring out the artist in everyone. It involves players drawing prompts while others guess what the drawings represent.

How to Play:

  1. Use an online drawing platform like Skribbl.io7, Drawize8, or the built-in whiteboard feature in Zoom.
  2. The host sets up a game and shares the link with participants.
  3. Players take turns drawing a word or phrase while others guess what it is.
  4. Points are awarded based on the accuracy and speed of the guesses.
  5. The player with the most points at the end of the game wins.

Pro Tip: Choose categories for the drawings that are relevant to the group, such as movies, animals, or famous landmarks, to make the game more relatable and fun.

Guess the Emoji

Guess the Emoji is a fun and modern twist on classic guessing games, perfect for virtual settings. Players guess phrases, movies, or songs based on sequences of emojis.

How to Play:

  1. The host prepares a list of phrases, movies, songs, or famous quotes and translates them into emoji sequences.
  2. Share the emoji sequences one by one on the video call screen or chat.
  3. Participants guess the correct answer based on the emojis.
  4. The first person to guess correctly earns a point.
  5. Continue with different emoji sequences, and the player with the most points at the end wins.

Pro Tip: Use an emoji generator tool like Emojipedia9 to create challenging and creative emoji sequences that will stump even the savviest participants, or read on for the best list of emojis: 45 Emoji Faces You Should Know and Their (Hidden) Meanings

Conversation Games for Big Groups

When thinking of conversation games for groups of 10 or more people, you want something that brings people together and allows many people to be involved. These games do just that! 

Never have I ever

In “Never have I ever,” participants start the game with all ten fingers. Then, going around in a circle, people share one thing they’ve never done. If someone has done that thing, they must put down a finger. 

For example, the person speaking might say, “Never have I ever had tacos from Taco Bell.” 

Everyone who has had tacos from Taco Bell has to put a finger down. 

The last one standing is the winner. But more than winning or losing, you’re bound to learn something new about the people you’re playing with. 

Beware: Let everyone know if they should keep their answers PG or HR appropriate.

Ten things in common

In this group conversation game, your goal is to find ten things that everyone present has in common—and not basic human experience things like, “We all experience time in a linear fashion.” 

Get creative! 

What’s your favorite late-night snack? Have you gone skydiving? Have you seen the Jonas Brothers in concert? 

If you have a lot of people, break up into smaller groups and race to see who can find ten things in common the quickest. Then, scramble the groups and try to find ten new things you have in common. 

The alphabet game

To play the alphabet game, agree on a topic or a theme. Then, starting from “A,” everyone takes turns calling out a word going in alphabetical order. 

For example, if the topic is “fruits,” the first player could say “an apple,” then the next player could throw out “banana,” and so on. If you pause too long or can’t think of a word for the following letter of the alphabet, you get kicked out of the circle. 

You can try some of the following categories: 

  • Ice cream flavors
  • Animals
  • Types of trees
  • Names of 80’s songs 
  • Cities

My name, your name

This game is excellent if you are with new people and need to help each other learn names. Sit in a circle and have everyone go around and say their word. 

Start a rhythm by having everyone slap their thighs twice, then clap their hands twice, followed by two snaps. 

The first person starts by saying their name during the first snap and calling out someone else’s name during the claps. The person called repeats this pattern by saying their name during the first snap and someone else’s name during the second snap. 

The goal is not to miss a beat—and learn everyone’s names in the process.

If that sounds confusing, check out this video to visualize how you can play this game! 

My Name Your Name Game10

Ask me anything

In this game, participants are allowed to ask any question. For the right price, the person receiving the question can skip it. 

Before starting the game, have everyone agree on the “penalty” for passing on a question. 

You might decide to eat something unappealing (like a tablespoon of ketchup) or put a dollar into the center of the table. Then, at the end of the game, use the money to go out for ice cream. 

This game lets you get to know others while giving everyone an “out” if they don’t feel comfortable answering a question. 

Conversation Games About Dating

For those in the dating stage of life, talking about the character traits you look for in a potential partner with friends can be helpful. While conversations about partners can be relatively serious, these games help you have those conversations more light-heartedly. 

Orange flags

In dating, disturbing things about a partner are sometimes referred to as “red flags,” while positive traits are called “green flags.” 

Orange flags aren’t necessarily a deal-breaker but make you stop and think, “Hmm, we’ll see about that.” 

Once one person says something they consider an orange flag, everyone else can chime in, either agreeing that it’s an orange flag, saying it’s a deal-breaker or saying that it really wouldn’t bother them—after all, everyone’s different. 

Here are some orange flag examples: 

  • They aren’t passionate about their job but like suffering through it
  • They’re still close friends with their ex and talk to them every day
  • They dislike animals 
  • The only music they listen to while driving is country.

What are your orange flags? 

Love, like, or leave

In this game, one person calls out three people or items in a similar category, and everyone present has to assign “love, like, or leave” to each one. 

Try playing this game with celebrities, fictional characters, or even popular snack foods. Just remember when talking about people to be respectful! It’ll give you insight into what your friends like and what they don’t care for. 

Try one of the following combos: 

  • Tobey Maguire’s Spider-Man, Andrew Garfield’s Spider-Man, or Tom Holland’s Spider-Man
  • Taylor Swift, Kim Kardashian, or Olivia Rodrigo
  • Lucky Charms, Cheerios, or Fruit Loops

They’re perfectly perfect, but…

This game is fun to play with friends because it can be serious or silly and helps you understand what they value in a significant other. 

Start by thinking of a hypothetical person who is perfect except for one single flaw. Everyone present then says if that flaw is a big enough deal-breaker to make them uninterested in the person. 

Here are some examples to get you started: 

  • “They’re perfectly perfect but rude to the waitress.” 
  • “They’re perfectly perfect but aren’t open to new experiences.”
  • “They’re perfectly perfect, but they regularly forget that they’ve made plans with you and ask to reschedule.” 

Trivia and Quiz Games for Fun Gatherings

Trivia and quiz games are fantastic for sparking friendly competition and testing everyone’s knowledge. Here are five new trivia and quiz games to try at your next gathering:

Team Trivia Challenge

Here’s a classic trivia game for anyone who loves learning and guessing!

How to Play:

  1. Divide the group into teams of 3-5 people.
  2. Prepare a list of trivia questions covering various topics such as history, pop culture, sports, and science. Want a great list? 401 BEST Trivia Questions and Answers For Game Night (2024)
  3. The host asks questions, and teams write their answers on a piece of paper.
  4. After each round, collect the answers and tally the scores.
  5. The team with the most correct answers at the end wins.

Pro Tip: Include a mix of easy, medium, and hard questions to keep everyone engaged and challenged.

Speed Quiz

Speed Quiz is a fast-paced game that tests participants’ quick thinking and knowledge.

How to Play:

  1. Form two teams and have them sit opposite each other.
  2. The host asks a question, and the first team to buzz in gets to answer.
  3. If they answer correctly, they earn a point. If they answer incorrectly, the other team gets a chance to answer.
  4. Continue until all questions have been asked.
  5. The team with the most points at the end wins.

Pro Tip: Use a buzzer app11 or simple hand claps as buzzers to keep the game moving quickly.

Themed Trivia Night

Themed Trivia Night adds a fun twist by focusing on a specific topic or theme. It’s a great way to delve deep into a subject and see who knows the most.

How to Play:

  1. Choose a theme for the trivia, such as movies, music, TV shows, or a specific decade. Or, if you’re looking for something creative, check out our list of 210 Harry Potter Trivia Questions (That’ll Even Stump Snape)
  2. Prepare questions related to the chosen theme.
  3. Players can either compete individually or in teams.
  4. Ask questions and have players write down their answers.
  5. Score the answers and declare the winner based on who has the most correct answers.

Pro Tip: Encourage participants to dress up or bring props related to the theme to enhance the fun.

Picture Quiz

More of a visual player? Gather your friends for this visual-themed trivia game!

How to Play:

  1. Prepare a slideshow of images related to a theme, such as famous landmarks, celebrities, or brand logos.
  2. Show each image to the group and ask them to identify what or who it is.
  3. Players write down their answers.
  4. Reveal the correct answers and tally the scores.
  5. The player or team with the most correct answers wins.

Pro Tip: Mix in some tricky or lesser-known images (or AI generate them!) to make the game more challenging and exciting.

Trivia Bingo

Trivia Bingo combines the classic game of bingo with trivia questions, making it a fun and interactive activity for all ages.

How to Play:

  1. Create bingo cards with answers to trivia questions in each square.
  2. The host asks trivia questions, and players mark off the corresponding answer on their bingo cards.
  3. The first player to complete a row, column, or diagonal shouts “Bingo!” and wins a prize.
  4. Continue playing for multiple rounds with different bingo cards.

Pro Tip: Offer small prizes such as candy, little trinkets, bragging rights, or stickers for each round to keep the competition lively and motivate players to participate enthusiastically.

Conversation Games for Road Trips

Try one of these games if you’re looking for something to help pass the time and get to know people better while sitting in a car together! 

You can also play these around the dinner table or with a group of friends. Keep in mind that they’re typically best with smaller groups of people. 

The superlative game 

This game reveals what your friends think of you. 

Take turns calling out random superlatives and have everyone vote on who it applies to the best. 

Here are some examples of various superlatives: 

  • Most likely to become a billionaire
  • Most likely to crash a wedding
  • Best sense of style
  • Most likely to travel to every continent 
  • Most likely to star in a musical

Think of superlatives that aren’t too specific to any one person. You might be surprised by what your friends think you’re best at or most likely to do. 

I spy 

“I spy with my little eye….” 

In this classic game, players take turns being the “spy-er.” They notice something around them and then say, “I spy with my little eye something that starts on the letter [first letter of the word].”

Everyone then takes turns guessing what the person is thinking. 

If no one gets it, give another hint like the object’s color. 

Twenty-one questions

Have one person start by thinking of a person, place, or thing. Then, everyone else asks yes or no questions. The game’s objective is to determine what the person thought of within twenty-one questions.

Pro Tip: Start by asking broad questions like, “Is it an inanimate object?” before moving on to more specific questions like, “Is it smaller than an elephant?”

Bonus Pro Tip: A great secret answer is “an apron” you can almost always stump people…as long as they didn’t read this post.

Just a minute

Are you good at talking? Then this is a game for you to shine! 

Players receive a random topic they’re asked to speak on for a whole minute. If you repeat yourself or stop talking, you’re out. 

You get one point if you can make it through the entire minute. 

This game works well for families because you can adjust the topic for different ages. For example, you could give a seven-year-old the subject, “differences between cats and dogs,” while giving a fifteen-year-old the issue “how to bake a cake.” 

If you want to make this game funnier, assign topics that players don’t know anything about. See if they can speak confidently and convincingly for the entire 60 seconds. Here are some example topics:

  • What makes a good leader?
  • If you could change anything about how schools run, what would you change?
  • What will happen to our world in 20 years?

One line at a time

Tell a story with each person only contributing one line at a time. The first player will start the story. 

For example, they could say, “Once upon a time, there was a horse named Baxter.” The next player would pick up the story, “Baxter was best friends with a grasshopper named Marty.” 

The third player could then take the story for a spin and say, “What Baxter didn’t know was that Marty could travel through space and time.” 

Where does the story go from there? 

This game has no winners or losers, but it is a fun way to be creative and silly while spending time with loved ones. 

Something in common 

If you’re looking for a game to help pass the time, give “Something in common” a try. 

Here’s an example of how it works: 

The first person says a statement, for example, “Lavender smells nice.” 

The next person follows this by saying, “Perfume also smells nice, and it comes in a glass bottle.” 

The following person could say, “Apple cider vinegar also comes in a glass bottle, and it’s good for you.” 

If you want to give yourself an extra challenge, turn it into a fun memory game by hitting rewind after a few rounds. To do this, the last person who went would say, “Apple cider vinegar is good for you, and it comes in a glass bottle.” 

The person before them would respond, “Perfume also comes in a glass bottle, and it smells nice.” 

See if, by working together, you can get back to where you started! 

Strategy-Based Conversation Games for Team Building

Team building is crucial in creating a cohesive and productive work environment. Strategy-based conversation games are a fantastic way to foster teamwork, encourage strategic thinking, and build rapport among colleagues. Let’s explore some engaging games that are perfect for team building.

The Scenario Solver

In this game, teams are presented with a hypothetical but plausible work-related scenario. The objective is to collaboratively devise a strategy to handle the situation effectively.

How to Play: Present a scenario, such as dealing with a difficult client or managing a project under a tight deadline. Each team discusses and presents their approach to the problem. This game not only encourages teamwork but also enhances problem-solving skills.

The Resource Allocator

Resource management is a critical skill in any workplace. This game challenges teams to allocate limited resources efficiently to achieve a common goal.

How to Play: Give each team a set of resources (this could be play money, tokens, or even a list of items) and a goal to achieve, like launching a product or organizing an event. Teams must strategize on how best to use their resources to reach their objective.

The Innovation Incubator

Fostering innovation and creativity is vital for growth. This game encourages teams to think outside the box and come up with innovative solutions to common problems.

How to Play: Pose a challenge that your company or industry faces and ask teams to brainstorm unique solutions. This could range from developing a new product idea to finding a creative marketing strategy.

The Trust Trail

Building trust among team members is essential for effective collaboration. This game is designed to enhance trust and communication in a fun and interactive way.

How to Play: Set up an obstacle course or a simple path with various hurdles. Team members must guide their blindfolded partners through the course using only verbal instructions. This activity strengthens communication skills and trust.

The Negotiation Table

Negotiation is a key skill in the business world. This game provides a platform for team members to practice and develop their negotiation skills.

How to Play: Split the team into groups representing different departments or companies. Each group is given a set of objectives they need to achieve through negotiation with the other groups. This could involve budget distribution, project roles, or resource sharing.

The Project Pitch

Encourage creativity and persuasive skills with this game, where teams must pitch an idea to ‘investors’ (other team members or leaders).

How to Play: Each team develops a project or product idea and presents it to the group, Shark Tank-style. The ‘investors’ evaluate the pitches and provide constructive feedback. This game promotes creativity, public speaking, and critical thinking.

The Strategy Shuffle

This game is all about adapting to changing circumstances and re-strategizing accordingly.

How to Play: Present a business strategy or plan to the teams. Periodically introduce new ‘events’ or changes that impact the original plan, requiring teams to quickly adapt and revise their strategies.

Incorporating these strategy-based conversation games into your team-building activities can significantly enhance collaborative skills, strategic thinking, and group cohesion. They are not only fun and engaging but also mirror real-world challenges, preparing your team for various workplace scenarios.

Make Great Conversation

These conversation games are guaranteed to make you have a fun time. But once you’re done playing them, what next?

Time to take your conversation game even further. Check out this free goodie today:

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Final Thoughts

Conversation games can be fun to get to know people and find new things you have in common. Keep a few of these up your sleeve for the next time you’re hosting a dinner party, are on a long road trip, or want to gain new insight into your loved one’s lives. 

Here are some things to remember when playing conversation games: 

  • Don’t pry into someone’s life: If you don’t know group members well, suggest playing a more neutral game like “One sentence at a time.” This can help everyone get talking without being overly personal.
  • Laugh at yourself: You’re bound to say something silly while playing a conversation game. Don’t be scared to laugh at yourself. It can help everyone loosen up and not be worried about misspeaking. 
  • Be inclusive: Conversation games can be an excellent way for everyone to get a chance to speak in group settings. Remember to be attentive to everyone who takes part in the game. 
  • Have fun! That’s what games are for, after all. 

If you’re looking for another way to start fun conversations, check out these 57 conversation starters to help you have a conversation with anyone.

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5 Best Conversation Games You Can Play Right Now
5 Best Conversation Games You Can Play Right Now