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Unlock Your Full Potential

Increase your confidence, build stronger relationships, and create career opportunities.

12 Video Training Modules

Learn the 12 people skills the world’s most successful people use to communicate with confidence. Identify the specific people problems holding you back. 30+ hours of beautiful 4K video curriculum guide you through creating a more memorable presence, increase your impact, and gaining more respect.

Live Workshops & Accountability Coaching

Every month, Vanessa hosts a Live Workshop exclusively for People School students. She shares the latest people skills science, timely advice, and answers YOUR questions LIVE. Reach your goals faster with optional weekly accountability calls for coaching.

Leverage Like-Minded Community

Join a community of passionate professionals working to improve their people skills. People School is the exclusive place to connect with like-minded high achievers on a similar journey. Get feedback, ask for advice, and grow together.

Implement the Tools

Practice & Activate Skills

After each skill, apply your knowledge with optional challenges and practice with our AI-powered skills coach. Human support is always available for your unique questions.

Leverage Life-long Benefits

Years of Exclusive Content

We’ve recorded, indexed and organized more than five years of Workshops – that’s another 60+ hours of teaching with Vanessa. Use our new AI tools to chat with Vanessa’s entire body of work – including books, podcast interviews, speaking events and more – from 10+ years of teaching.

Why Students Love People School

I can strongly recommend this course!

Vanessa Van Edwards is an amazing speaker, teacher, coach, and mentor. I have done this course twice now and have put my entire team through it with transformational results – promotions, improved effectiveness, influence etc. This has been a big win for my team and myself both personally and professionally.

— Simon W.

“It’s official. I landed the senior manager role and achieved my 1 year goal!”

— Keith M.

“Nailed my first keynote speech!”

I’m seriously high on dopamine after nailing my first keynote speech at a business women’s luncheon. And I attribute much of the success to my learnings already on this course.

— Keith M.

I love the science behind each skill! Positive priming stood out for me and I’m already using it everywhere – such a great skill. As a whole the course taught me: ‘how to be the best me I can possibly be’ – the journey is not over yet & I will definitely watch this over and over, picking up the finer nuances each time.

Thank you for an AMAZING course!

— Thea

This course was worth every penny and every minute invested. I feel encouraged by what I’ve accomplished up to starting People School. I’m realizing I have good people instincts. And now, after People School, I am seeing where I have been operating in the dark – where my blind spots are – and that’s so valuable.

— Monique A.

For the first time in years, I got a review at work that said I’m exceeding expectations!

Since People School, I have never had such engaging and fun interviews in my life… Last Friday I accepted a senior position with an increase in my total package of $100k.

— Debbie

Now I have a structure or plan to follow that I understand and do with purpose.

This was a great course, I just wanted to say in the past would obsess over doing things differently in conversations or interactions including emails. I never knew why I would write an email 3 or 4 times before sending it but this course put a label on it. It helped me understand that the things I had been doing was right but I feel that I can start working on getting my point across in interactions much easier. Thank you for the course.

I’ve been able to close all 5 of my offers this week. I would have never imagined a 100% close rate!

I have finally been accepted to my program of choice at school. During that process, I did try to prime every email I sent out and used a lot more hand gestures during my interviews. Knowing that I have a good plan, vs. wondering if I should do this or that, certainly had a big impact on my confidence. And I think confidence makes all the difference.

People are actually saying “Yes” to my ideas, and when I invite them to go do things with me on the weekends and after work.

For the first time in years, I got a review at work that said I’m exceeding expectations!

It’s time to get more for your efforts. Go from being overlooked, no matter how hard you work, to UNSTOPPABLE.

12 Advanced Skills. 12 Powerful Secrets.

Here’s what you’ll learn in People School:


The Charisma Formula

Make a great first impression every time. I share my relationship operating system for all of your interactions.


Powerfully Share Ideas

Get the results you want from your interactions — every time. Get people to take notice of your ideas.


Be Engaging

Learn to be engaging on video, in person, and in writing. Master the nonverbal cues of trust and power.


Capture Attention

Start interesting conversations, keep them going, and pitch your ideas in a way that leaves people curious and excited.


Build Trust

Rapidly build trust and mutual rapport for lasting and meaningful relationships.


Communicate with POWER

Be taken seriously, interrupted less, and command authority and respect.


The Likability Blueprint

Be more magnetic, memorable, and likable in any situation.


Decode People

Improve your emotional intelligence. Read cues to eliminate confusion, and connect with anyone.


Master Conversation

Move beyond small talk to create powerful connections and never run out of things to say.


Assert Yourself

Develop social assertiveness and get what you need and want out of interactions.


Increase Your Influence

Lead with authority and authenticity and get your ideas adopted.


Strengthen Connections

Become indispensable at work and thrive on a team, or leading a team.

Three ways to practice

Practice your skills yourself, with other students or with our advanced AI training rooms.

Live Workshops

Get feedback from Vanessa on your ideas, questions and strategies.

Accountability Coaching

Group coaching and practice with our Accountability Coach and other students.

AI Practice Rooms

Use our conversational simulation tools to activate all your social strategies.

Bonus Learning

People School is growing all the time. We’ve added dozens of bonus modules over the years.

Course Audio + Transcripts

Listen to People School at the gym, while you cook, or on your commute. We have downloadable audio files for every module so you can listen anytime.


SOPai can provide you with advice and answers to your burning questions about relationships, leadership, social skills, career tips, and so much more, using a database of content produced by Vanessa in the last several years.

Get Your Raise or Raise Your Rates

In this bonus video, Vanessa breaks down her comprehensive formula on how to confidently ask for a raise and increase your rates as an entrepreneur.

Micro Wins: The Science of Productivity

Learn Vanessa’s secret productivity approach.

Find Your People

Vanessa provides practical tips and exercises that will help you find the people that bring out the best of you. She also teaches us an equally important skill, how to avoid toxic people.

Cold Approaches

Ever found it tricky to jump into a discussion? Vanessa shares her “cold approach” framework for seamlessly joining in on group conversations.

Deal with Difficult People at Work

Learn the transformative secrets to dealing with challenging colleagues at work in this bonus video. Vanessa unveils her  step-by-step framework, where you’ll discover how to navigate personalities, harness the power of personality traits, and effortlessly optimize your interactions, making this video an invaluable addition to your People School journey.

Everything you want to know about People School

Join Vanessa as she walks you through People School’s curriculum and all the features you get as a People School student.

BONUS: Here is a sneak peek of our brand-new AI Tools demoed by Vanessa during a monthly People School live workshop.

Is People School right for you?

After working with thousands of students, we’ve learned a lot about who can truly benefit from People School.

You’re driven to get more out of life and want the one universal skill that will help you, regardless of where your future takes you.

You want to strategically improve your communication, relationships, and the way you’re perceived — and you’re willing to spend 1-2 hours a week to get there.

You’ve tried improving your communication in the past and are ready to accelerate the process by getting help.

You’re willing to try new things and expand your comfort zone.

You’re tired of just getting information and want a plan for implementing things so you can truly change.

You want to learn how to manipulate people: We teach you how to be the best, most authentic version of yourself when you communicate, not how to play mind games with other people. If you’re here to learn how to “trick” people, you’re going to be sorely disappointed.

You want a “quick fix”: Every skill we teach, we leave time and space to turn it into an actionable part of your People Development Plan — your personal step-by-step plan for applying the knowledge. But it only works if you do the work. If you aren’t willing to do the work to make a lasting change, please don’t join. We want to work with committed students.

You aren’t willing to commit 1-3 hours a week: The course gives you lifelong access and you can take it at your own speed, that said, we recommend spending an hour or two a week on it until you’re done.

Join People School.

Learn the people skills you need to succeed TODAY!


Student satisfaction





Get more clients and sales

Access more opportunities

Get promoted

Be unforgettable

Get more time and attention from stakeholders

Be seen as a trusted leader in your field

Get access to more opportunities

Better understand yourself and others

Get your ideas heard 

Start today

$149 / month

16 monthly payments

  • Get more clients and sales
  • Access more opportunities
  • Get promoted
  • Be unforgettable
  • Get more time and attention from stakeholders
  • Be seen as a trusted leader in your field
  • Get access to more opportunities
  • Better understand yourself and others
  • Get your ideas heard 

Best value


One-time payment. Save $393.

  • Get more clients and sales
  • Access more opportunities
  • Get promoted
  • Be unforgettable
  • Get more time and attention from stakeholders
  • Be seen as a trusted leader in your field
  • Get access to more opportunities
  • Better understand yourself and others
  • Get your ideas heard 

All purchases are backed by our 7-day satisfaction guarantee.

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Frequently Asked Questions

After working with thousands of students, we know there’s some common questions people have about People School. We’re here to help you answer them:

What is People School?

People School is the only science-based people skills program that’s been developed with over 50,000+ students. It’s jam-packed with specific strategies, live examples, formulas, starter scripts, and a step-by-step plan.

If you work with people, you MUST learn and master these skills to perform at the top of your industry. Without these skills, you’ll never reach as much success, impact, or influence as you could. Learn the skills you need to succeed at work and in life. 

How long does it take to complete People School?

Typically, it takes 10-20 hours to go through the entire course. However, because you have lifetime access, you can go faster or slower, depending on the pace of learning that works best for you.

And you can always go back and repeat modules if you’ve got a big meeting or event coming up and want to hone your skills. Many of our students retake portions of the course before important negotiations, networking events, or interviews.

How is this course different from other soft skills training or your book?

Vanessa’s book and other courses are set up to get people started on the right track with people skills — this course is designed to help you MASTER them once and for all.

Who teaches People School? Who answers my questions?

The curriculum was developed by Vanessa Van Edwards after 10+ years of research, experimentation, and trials with over 50,000+ students all over the world. Vanessa answers questions during live office hours, and our People School coaches facilitate the discussion forum.

$1995 seems like a large investment. What do I get for my money?

We totally agree. $1995 IS a large investment, which is exactly why we also offer the option to make 16 Monthly Payments of $149. That works out at $5 a day–just a little less than a daily latte.

If you can’t commit to investing $5 a day in yourself, we definitely wouldn’t recommend signing up for People School. 

But if you can, if you want to discover and apply the skills you’ll use to accelerate your career, command the respect of your peers, and be seen as an invaluable member of any team, we’re confident you’ll have made a life-changing investment.

How long can I access People School?

People School grows with you. You get LIFETIME access to the 12 core People School modules. You’ll also have lifetime access to our 50+ hours of Bonus content.

Your enrollment also includes 12 months of access to our additional Premium features. This includes our Live Workshops, taught monthly by Vanessa, weekly Accountability Coaching with our People School coaches, our advanced AI tools, and our Community discussions.

After one year, you may continue accessing our additional Premium features for a People School student only price of $99/mo.

Remember, you always have lifetime access to the core curriculum and bonus materials.

Can I Cancel? How does it work?

If you aren’t fully satisfied within 7 days of enrolling in our course, we offer a 7-day money-back guarantee.

Can I buy this for my team/company?

Yes, we can help your team or company’s employees get access. Email us at and share your request, and we’ll contact you with more information. 

Can I get reimbursed by my work?

Some employers offer tuition reimbursements or allow you to use education credit. We provide a receipt for reimbursement if you want to try submitting to your manager or HR department for reimbursement. And you’re welcome to send this PDF to your HR person. It never hurts to ask!

How long does it take to get through the course?

You have lifetime access to People School’s core modules, so you can go at whatever speed you want to go. People typically complete the course in 15-20 hours.

Does People School count for Continuing Education?

Yes! Science of People is recognized by SHRM to offer 33.5 Professional Development Credits (PDCs), SHRM-CP® or SHRM-SCP® recertification activities.

Don’t see your question answered here? Email and we’ll happily answer them for you.

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