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20 Effective Ways You Can Learn How to Learn

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Being good at learning is a skill that will benefit you for the rest of your life. If you’re a student, it’ll make school way easier, and if you’re a professional, research1 shows that learning outside of work will improve your health and happiness.   

In this article, I will show you the best tips so you can learn ANYTHING more effectively.

Why Should I Become a Lifelong Learner?

We started learning the moment we were born.

But some people stop actively learning after school. Here’s one question I have for you:

What are YOU actively learning now?

Learning something in your field or a new hobby is critical for growth.

Here are just a few benefits of learning backed by science:

  • We stay sharper. Learning new skills increases myelin2 in our brains, which is the white matter responsible for mental speed and strength.
  • We get better work. Research3 shows that people with higher education have more excellent employment opportunities.
  • We have better mental health. Another study4 shows that learning can give us a sense of purpose and lessen mental health problems.
  • We make more money. This study5 found that professionals participating in educational reimbursement programs achieved 43% higher incomes.

And perhaps one of my favorite benefits is:

Learning is one of the fastest ways to build confidence.

If you ever have a case of imposter syndrome, learning is one of the best ways to combat it.

And because I’ve felt awkward and like an imposter most of my life, I’ve devoted myself to learning new things all the time to develop the confidence I need.

20 Tips to Learn How to Learn

Does this sound like you?

An infographic by Science of People that shows things people do when they have to learn. The main answer is - finding a million excuses why I don't have the time to learn.

I used to get lost in tons of procrastination around learning… until I learned how to optimize learning.

Watch our video below to learn how to reinvent yourself with Cues & AMA:

Here are my best tips and tricks to help you learn:

The Memory Palace Technique

Boosting your memory is one of the best ways to boost your learning skills.

Here’s how:

Imagine your home.

You likely can remember the most big details about your home.

This is where the memory palace technique comes in.

What is the memory palace technique?

A memory palace is a learning technique where you picture a familiar location and place mental “objects” in it. The memory palace technique takes advantage of your spatial memory to assist in learning and help you memorize different concepts.

Here’s how to build a memory palace, courtesy of Art of Memory:

  • Step 1: Try choosing a place you know well for your first memory palace. I like to use my home as an example.
  • Step 2: Plan out the whole route. Imagine yourself walking in the front yard, going through the front door, entering the living room, and traversing all the principal rooms in your home. Some people find that going clockwise is helpful, but it isn’t necessary. Eventually, you will have many memory palaces. You can also revise the memory palace after you test it a few times, so don’t worry if it’s not perfect on the first try.
  • Step 3: Now take a list of something that you want to memorize, like a shopping list of 20 different items—carrots, bread, milk, tea, oats, apples, etc.
  • Step 4: Take one or two items at a time and place a mental image of them in each locus of your memory palace. Try to exaggerate the pictures of the items and have them interact with the location. For example, if the first item is “carrots” and the first locus in your memory palace is the front door, picture some giant carrots opening up your front door.

Once you’ve got that down, you can tie your image to something you’ve learned. For example, to open the front door, perhaps the carrot has to input a math equation into the door lock.

To dive deeper into memory palaces, here’s a great video resource:

Become a Note Taker

If you’re trying to learn something new, take lots of notes.

If you’re used to typing everything you learn, you might be better off taking notes the old-fashioned way: with paper and pen.

That’s because typing doesn’t actually help us learn as much.

A 2021 study6 put handwriting and typing to the test:

  • Researchers asked students to write and then type notes from a biology textbook.
  • The researchers then compared the handwritten notes and the typed notes.
  • The results? Researchers found that students seemed to be cognitively overloaded while typing. In other words, they typed the notes on their computers, but that information didn’t “stick” as well as handwritten notes. The students also showed less knowledge, accuracy of terminology, and ability to interconnect ideas when typing notes.


When it comes to learning, the pen is mightier than the keyboard.

Pro Tip: Write everywhere! Write on sticky notes, in your journal, or on a whiteboard. I even write everywhere in the books I’m reading.

And if you’re not reading physical books, check out this next tip.

Ditch the Digital

Consider reading a physical book if you want to learn from written content.

Learning from a book might be more effective than reading from a screen.

90% of university students7 prefer print over digital, and a psychology lecturer found that students required more repetitions8 when learning from a screen than from physical books.

The physical sensation of holding books and turning the pages gives us extra sensory input compared to a digital device, and this helps us retain more info.

Further, studies9 found that students retain information much better when reading it from text than when listening to it.

So science tells us there’s still use for print books—significantly to help us learn better.

Becoming a better learner is a phenomenal goal. If you are thinking about your goals and could use some support setting the right goals, you might appreciate this (free) science-backed guide.

How To Set Better Goals Using Science

Do you set the same goals over and over again? If you’re not achieving your goals – it’s not your fault!

Let me show you the science-based goal-setting framework to help you achieve your biggest goals.

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The Interleaving Effect

Here is a shockingly effective learning tactic championed by Steve Kaufmann, co-founder of LingQ and polyglot of over 20 languages! 

Interleaving is a learning technique where you learn several related topics together.

Here’s an interview with Kaufmann below where he breaks down the interleaving effect and his mastery of language learning:

For example, a person learning how to swim might intermix learning freestyle, breaststroke, and how to float. A typical interleaving pattern would look like this:

Learn topic A —> Learn topic B —> Learn topic C —> Learn topic A —> Learn topic B…

Interleaving works—perhaps better than learning just one topic at a time.

Of course, researchers tested10 it out—in actual classrooms. They studied students in one classroom who interleaved both algebra and geometry, with their weekly homework assignments containing a mix of both types of questions.

The result? After a month, they performed 76% better than the standard approach.

Interleaving is a great way to spice things up while boosting your learning. Here are just a few ideas you can implement:

  • Learning to code? Learn not only CSS but also HTML and JavaScript.
  • Learning management? Switch between people skills, management training, and organization skills.
  • Learning to draw? Swap between human anatomy, shading, and colors.

Here’s a great video that explains interleaving:

Give Your Brain a Break

Are you stressed? Amped up? Feeling rushed? It is tough to learn anything in that head space.

Stress is anti-learning.

Imagine trying to intake information when you’re amped up, angry, or stuck in a negative thought loop. Yikes!

A 2016 study11 shows evidence that stress impairs memory retrieval and causes us to revert to “rigid, ‘habit-like behavior.”

So before learning, try to give your brain a refreshing break:

  • Meditate. Do a quick 5- or 10-minute meditation using your favorite meditation technique.
  • Oil it up. I love using essential oils. The scents are great, but I love putting on a peppermint scent, as it primes my brain to turn on “learning mode” and gets me in a relaxed mood.
  • Hot bath time. Hot baths are great for relaxing. One study12 found that warm baths even lower stress, anxiety, anger, and depression—more so than a shower alone.
  • Take breaks. If you’re learning something for hours, try having a mental reset. Go for a walk, or set up a time-blocking system like the Pomodoro method for scheduled breaks. Even a short break can go a long way!

Here are a few more tips to help you relax your brain and increase your attention span.

Test Yourself

Remember those long, sleepless nights reviewing notes before a test? Or, if you’re currently a student, you can relate to the endless test spree that is finals week.

Well, it turns out testing works. Research13 shows that students who studied and were then tested had a more significant long-term recall of what they learned than students who did not try.

This might be because a test or quiz creates accountability for your learning.

Pro Tip: If you’re self-learning, consider finding accountability to create the stakes of a “test.”

Maybe it’s a group of friends to play your new piano song to or a book club to share what you learned about your reading.

Spaced-Repetition Learning

Learning something once might not be enough to retain it. Enter the solution: spaced-repetition learning.

Spaced repetition is a learning system that uses scheduled, repeated review of the information to be memorized.

It helps because we forget 20% of what we learn after 24 hours unless we review what we learned. 

If we don’t test or review what we’ve learned, we’ll only retain 60% after three days. However, if we just check it once, we’ll keep that information much longer but still have only 60% after 7 days.

With each added review, we increase memory retention, which means we can keep retention at the highest level, even though we schedule longer and longer intervals between reviews. And that’s the beauty of spaced repetition.

Eventually, after a number of reviews, we may only need to review our materials learned weeks or even months later.

So, how exactly do you review or test yourself?

I love using the Anki app. I can input my flashcards and have regularly set intervals for reviewing anything I learn to help me store information.

Check out this guide here for a more in-depth look at spaced repetition.

Take a Nap

We all know we perform better on a good night’s sleep.

But if you’re running on fumes, research14 shows that “even a short sleep lasting 45 to 60 minutes produces a five-fold improvement in information retrieval from memory.”

Author Daniel Pink explains in his book, When: The Scientific Secrets of Perfect Timing, that a power nap resets our brain. Our brain glitches as the day goes on, and a power nap helps smooth out these glitches so we can function better.

He also recommends a caffeine-nap hack—drink a cup of coffee, then take a power nap for 25 minutes (the amount of time it takes to kick in); however, I feel the best length for a power nap depends on each person!

Try napping to find your optimal power nap length.

Here’s a more in-depth guide on napping you can check out.

Own Your Environment

Believe it or not, your environment changes how you learn.

For example, imagine yourself in these types of environments:

  • a quiet library room
  • outside in a park
  • in a noisy cafe
  • your workstation at home

I like a consistent environment where I can sit and work without distractions. Others might prefer the more vibrant atmosphere of a busy cafe.

Your chair is also an important environmental factor—if you’re working remotely, then you’ll likely be at your chair for hours and hours every day. The proper seat can keep you motivated to learn longer rather than complain about back pain!

Do some research on the best ergonomic chairs, and your back (and learning capacity) will improve!

Explain Like I’m Five

Physicist Robert Feynman created an organization-based learning method by writing on the title page of an empty notebook.

From there, Feynman was able to break down highly complicated ideas into really simple ones.


He used what I call the “Explain Like I’m Five” technique. Here’s how it goes:

  1. Take a difficult-to-learn concept. For this example, let’s go with a bonsai tree.
  2. Try breaking down the concepts like you’re explaining it to a five-year-old. You can use analogies, which is what the Feynman method is perfect for. In our case, we can go with something like: “Bonsai trees are just like big trees but smaller.”

This is super simplified, but breaking down difficult concepts into many smaller ones can help you see how the pieces fit together.

If you’re having trouble visualizing a concept, it might help to try writing it down using this technique as well!

Work Your Body

Are you big on exercise?

If so, you might be a more effective learner.

Studies15 point out that increased heartbeat through exercise can lead to increased learning ability. This is because new neurons are activated during the learning process. And exercise helps these new neurons survive.

So, in your free time, why not go for a run, hit the weights, or do some bodyweight exercise?

You can also try a standing desk if you’re learning at your desk or hop on a walking treadmill to keep your heart rate up.

Find Your Optimum Noise

What’s your favorite learning noise?

Some people love to listen to music. Others like it completely silent.

If you’ve got construction workers banging outside your front door, or you’re used to blasting loud ’70s hair metal while you learn, you might be doing it wrong.

Some studies16 suggest that music affects memory negatively and silence helps people memorize the best, while other studies17 show that certain music, such as classical, can boost memory performance.

So, who do we listen to?

Your optimum noise level likely depends on your personality type, so experiment with yourself to find out if you’re either a noise- or silence-loving learner.

I love classical for learning and deep work, but my husband loves techno. Find your music flavor.

Set Up Learning Stations

Most people tend to learn in one place, usually at their desks.

But it may be better to change up your environment, using what I call “learning stations.”

For example, I’ve got my main learning station at my computer desk. Then there’s the learning station on the sofa, at my favorite local coffee shop, the public library, out on the patio, in my favorite park, etc.

Having multiple learning stations works because of a phenomenon called context-dependent memory18 Researchers from the University of Wisconsin found that our brains associate our environment with what we’re learning at the time.

This means the more different environments you can learn in, the more associations your brain makes.

It’s a win-win!

Lights, Color, Clutter!

Make sure your environment is set up for ideal learning conditions.

This includes the right lighting, colors, and orderliness:

  • Try to learn in an environment with natural lighting. Studies19 show that when compared to dim lighting, students score 25% higher in a naturally lit environment. Learn near windows or in an area with access to sunlight for optimum learning.
  • What color is your learning environment? Blue has the tendency to keep us calm and relaxed. Red keeps us passionate, while yellow can make us feel positive and happy. What is your color preference? Find out which colors suit your learning abilities in our color psychology guide.
  • Remove the clutter. A Carnegie Mellon University study20 found that students were more distracted, spent more time off task, and learned less in a cluttered classroom vs. when the clutter was removed. Clean up your environment to declutter your valuable brainpower.

Learn Stacking

Learn stacking is taking what you already know and learning about similar topics.

For example, if you’re learning about cabinet making, you might also want to learn about the types of paints that are used to paint cabinets, the types of trees cabinets are made from, the various types of cabinets commonly used throughout the world, etc.

Learn stacking is about building relational knowledge. Expanding your knowledge will help you “connect” what you’re learning better and better integrate it into long-term memory.

I like to think of learning stacking as being similar to cup stacking.

The more you learn about relational subjects, the taller your stack will be and the stronger the foundation.

Be The Guru

If you can teach someone what you learn, great!

But if not, research21 shows that even expecting to teach someone boosts learning capabilities.

This is because our mindset shifts to learn more effectively than someone who, say, learns to just pass a test.

Here are some ideas to become an expert at what you’re learning:

  • Teach a friend. Have someone you can share anything with? A friend, family member, or even your dog? Share with them what you’re learning!
  • Start a podcast! A podcast22 is an easy way to spread your knowledge and gain a fan base in the process—and all you need is a simple microphone (your phone will do!).
  • Start a blog. This is exactly what I did to build up Science of People’s audience. If you’re a good writer, channel your knowledge into words. Get started with this resource: How to Start a Successful Blog in 2024.
  • Start a YouTube channel. Engage with the community, create a following, and truly become an expert in your field. Start here: How to Create a YouTube Channel.

Try speed-reading

To gain even more knowledge, you might want to try speed reading. Speed reading is the skill of reading faster by scanning while also absorbing what we read. Learn to speed read in our guide here: How to Speed Read: 4 Strategies to Learn to Read Faster.

Embrace the beginner’s mind.

So many of us are afraid to try new things, learn new skills, or pick up new knowledge because of the discomfort of being a beginner. But if you can embrace being a noobie at a given skill, it can actually be quite fun!

Plus, research23 suggests that failing is necessary for learning! If you don’t fail enough, it means you aren’t challenging yourself and not learning. However, if you fail too much, then it slows your learning, and it can hurt your confidence.

The sweet spot?

Aim for learning environments where you succeed 85% of the time and fail 15% of the time.

Try distributed learning

Distributed learning is a study technique where you spread your study sessions over time instead of jamming them into one elongated chunk.

So, for example, instead of studying a topic for several hours with no break, studies24 suggest it can help to study that same topic in smaller chunks with breaks. 

This method leverages the psychological spacing effect, where information is better retained when it’s reviewed over spaced intervals. When you break your learning into shorter, more frequent sessions, you allow your brain to consolidate knowledge and build upon it gradually.

Don’t multitask

When learning, it’s crucial to focus on one task at a time and avoid multitasking. 

About 40% of people25,t%20actually%20getting%20more%20done. multitask between their task at hand and communication apps like Slack, email, etc.

But when we are multitasking, our brain is actually just rapidly toggling between the two tasks. 

In The Distracted Mind: Ancient Brains in a High-Tech World, the authors write that multitasking “is associated with a decrease in accuracy, often for both tasks and a time delay compared to doing one task at a time.”

The next time you’re learning something, try putting your phone on airplane mode and waiting until your next break to enjoy your next YouTube video.

Do We Learn Differently?

I get this question a lot: Are there different learning styles?

Essentially, some people believe people are born with natural tendencies to learn better through visual, audio, or tactile experiences.

But in fact, research26 shows the opposite—students who answered a questionnaire to determine their preferred learning style and altered their studying habits to reflect it showed no remarkable improvement.

So, there you have it!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on How to Learn

How do I learn how to learn?

To learn how to learn, try experimenting with different key concepts like learning stacking, spaced repetition, and varying your learning resources to find what works best for you.

What does it mean to learn how to learn?

Learning how to learn means acquiring skills and strategies that improve your ability to absorb, understand, and apply new information. It involves understanding your cognitive processes and effectively utilizing tools like mnemonic devices, effective note-taking, and critical thinking.

Why is it important to learn how to learn?

It’s important to learn how to learn because it improves your ability to pick up new skills and adapt to changes efficiently. Mastering learning and study skills helps you become more effective, keeping you relevant and adaptable in a rapidly changing world.

How does play teach children to learn how to learn?

Play teaches children to learn how to learn by encouraging exploration, curiosity, and experimentation. Through play, kids discover how to engage with their environment, solve problems with creativity, and adapt to new information.

How to learn how to learn faster?

To learn how to learn faster, focus on developing efficient learning strategies like prioritizing important information, retrieval practice, and breaking complex information into smaller, manageable chunks. Also, practicing a growth mindset and staying curious always helps learning.

Takeaways on How to Learn

I hope you learned a lot from this article and that I’ve inspired you to continue your lifelong learning journey.

Here are a few tips to remember:

  • Use the interleaving effect where, within a greater topic, you learn about A, then B, then C, then A, etc.
  • Use space retention learning, where you re-learn the same topic a few times over a few days or weeks to cement the knowledge.
  • Learn stack, where you learn about lots of adjacent topics to build a structure of related knowledge.
  • Use distributed learning, where you break up a learning period into smaller chunks instead of one massive stint.
  • Teach others to fortify your knowledge of a subject.

Now, here’s a bonus tip for you! You’ve heard of a bucket list, but do you have a learning bucket list? People who make bucket lists are more likely to achieve their goals. So, let’s get to creating! Head on over to our article to make your own! How to Make a Learning Bucket List.

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