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150+ Unique Debate Topics That Will Spark Epic Discussions

Practicing debate is a personal growth powerhouse activity! It trains you to think deeply about a topic, communicate persuasively, and become flexible with your perspectives. It also trains your critical thinking and public speaking skills. 

While two people could debate anything, finding the right topic can bring passion and inspiration to the conversation, where there is a fire in the room, and everyone is learning and expanding their worldview.

Below, you’ll find all the best debate topics for different situations.

Debate Topics for Friends

Debating with friends can be a fun and provocative way to connect. Try any of these prompts with a friend. Consider flipping a coin to see who gets which side.

  1. Is it better to travel to a new place or revisit familiar destinations for vacations?
  2. Is it more fun to watch a movie at home or in a movie theater?
  3. Is it acceptable to double-dip chips in a communal dip?
  4. Is it better to have a large circle of friends or a few close friends?
  5. Is it more exciting to receive a surprise gift or choose your own present?
  6. Is it better to be an optimist or a realist in life?
  7. Is it acceptable to re-gift presents you received but don’t want?
  8. What’s better, jeans or sweatpants?
  9. Is it acceptable to break up with someone through a text message?
  10. Is it acceptable to pick friends based on how attractive they are?
  11. What’s worse, people who monopolize every conversation or people who only complain?
  12. What’s more important, success or happiness?
  13. Is suffering necessary for personal growth and development?
  14. Should art have a higher purpose to help people and society?
  15. Are AI-generated images considered art?
  16. Is peer pressure predominantly negative, leading individuals to make harmful choices, or can it also have positive effects by encouraging personal growth and positive behavior changes?

Whether you’re setting up a debate for a club, a class, or a friend group, here are some of the most popular debate topics of the day. These are also phenomenal debate topics you can use as an office activity.

  1. Should college education be free for all students?

Some European countries1 offer free college tuition for their residents. The top American colleges2 cost up to $264,000 for four years of tuition. Is it worth it?  

  1. Is climate change primarily caused by human activities?

Examining the causes of climate change sparks critical conversations on environmental responsibility, sustainable practices, and their global impact.

  1. Should the minimum wage be raised to a livable wage?

This debate explores income inequality and the well-being of workers, addressing social and economic implications for individuals and society.

  1. Is universal healthcare a fundamental right?

Universal healthcare debates touch on public health, social justice, and the role of government in ensuring healthcare access for all citizens.

  1. Is online privacy a thing of the past in the digital age?

Online privacy is important to about 90% of people3 So, this is a topic that almost everyone has some stake in. With the increasing prevalence of data breaches and surveillance, this topic explores the challenges of safeguarding personal information in the modern digital landscape.

  1. Should the government regulate the content on social media platforms?

This debate addresses the balance between free speech and curbing misinformation, hate speech, and harmful content on widely-used platforms.

  1. Is it ethical to use animals for scientific research?

The ethical considerations surrounding animal testing and the pursuit of scientific advancement raise questions about the treatment of animals and the value of research outcomes.

  1. Should social media platforms regulate political advertising?

If political campaigns have free reign on social media, we’re doomed to highly influenced and manipulated elections. Is it worth it?

  1. Should standardized testing be eliminated from education?

What is intelligence? How many types are there, and what are the best ways to measure it? Debates on standardized testing focus on its impact on educational quality, student stress, and alternative methods of assessing academic achievement.

  1. Is censorship ever justified in the media?

Exploring media censorship involves discussing freedom of expression, cultural sensitivity, and the need to protect societal values.

  1. Is space exploration worth the significant financial investment?

Should we solve our problems on Earth before bringing them to Mars? This topic considers the value of space exploration in scientific discovery, technological advancements, and international collaboration.

  1. Should there be a bigger tax on gas to dissuade driving?

The more the government taxes gas, the less people will drive. This will benefit the environment, but oil companies won’t like it. This debate addresses environmental concerns, infrastructure funding, and incentivizing alternative transportation methods to reduce emissions.

Debate Topics for School

Statistics show that debate is super positive for students. One study4 found that of the students with the highest risk factors, 72% of those who participated in high school debate successfully graduated, while only 43% of non-debaters graduated.

Not to mention, the more debate rounds a student participated in, the likelier they were to graduate.

Plus, the more students engaged in debate, the higher they scored on the ACT.

This section is for teachers who want to bring some debate topics into the classroom. The topics will be salient for your students to ensure they feel invested and inspired in their debate.

  1. Should high schools implement mandatory financial literacy courses?
  2. Is the use of cell phones in classrooms beneficial or distracting for students?
  3. Should schools switch to year-round education with only 4 school days per week?
  4. Is homeschooling a better option than traditional schooling?
  5. Should students have the freedom to choose their curriculum?
  6. Is it ethical for schools to use surveillance cameras in classrooms?
  7. Should the school day start later to accommodate teenagers’ sleep patterns?
  8. Is the grading system an effective way to assess students’ abilities?
  9. Should schools eliminate homework assignments?
  10. Is it appropriate for teachers to use social media to communicate with students?
  11. Should schools teach comprehensive sex education?
  12. Is it beneficial for schools to have a school uniform or dress code?
  13. Is the use of corporal punishment in schools ever justified?
  14. Should schools provide free breakfast and lunch for all students?
  15. Is it necessary for high schools to teach courses on mental health?

Interesting Debate Topics

Here are some fascinating debate topics to get your brain turning.

  1. If an AI could write a better novel than any human, would it ever be worth reading human creative works?
  2. Is it ethical to use artificial intelligence in art and music creation without human involvement?
  3. Should all public transportation be free to reduce traffic congestion and emissions?
  4. Should there be a limit on the number of terms a politician can serve in office?
  5. Is art necessary for society?
  6. Is it acceptable to have a universal basic income to address income inequality?
  7. Should space exploration be a global collaborative effort?
  8. Should there be stricter regulations on social media platforms to combat misinformation?
  9. Can we prove the existence of other minds, or is solipsism a valid possibility?
  10. Are humans inherently good, evil, or morally neutral?
  11. Should there be a global ban on single-use plastics to reduce pollution?
  12. Is there a direct link between playing violent video games and real-world aggressive behavior?
  13. If something online is written with the help of AI, should it have a watermark to indicate this?
  14. Should vaping be banned in public spaces to protect non-smokers from secondhand exposure and discourage youth from taking up this habit?
  15. Should there be mandatory vaccinations for all children to prevent disease outbreaks?
  16. Is it ethical to use AI to create deepfake videos and audio recordings?
  17. Can we ever achieve true justice, or is it a utopian ideal?

If you liked those questions, here are 255 more philosophical questions.

Fun Debate Topics 

Sometimes, it’s great to turn the practice of debate toward topics that are just fun! Here are some topics that won’t help change the world but are fun to debate for the sake of debate.

  1. Is pineapple an acceptable pizza topping?
  2. Should “Rock, Paper, Scissors” be considered a sport?
  3. Is it better to be a night owl or an early bird?
  4. Should emojis be used in formal communication?
  5. Is it okay to recline your seat on an airplane?
  6. Is the Oxford comma necessary in writing?
  7. Is it better to binge-watch TV shows or watch them weekly?
  8. Is it acceptable to wear pajamas in public?
  9. Is it more fun to celebrate your birthday or someone else’s?
  10. Should clapping be replaced with jazz hands to avoid noise?
  11. Is it better to have a long or several short vacations throughout the year?
  12. Should “dad jokes” be considered the highest form of humor?
  13. Should adults have a designated nap time during the workday?
  14. Is it better to have a superpower of invisibility or time travel?
  15. Is it more fun to celebrate Halloween or Christmas?

Debate can be a super fun form of conversation. Though if you don’t just want to boost your debate skills but also your overall conversation skills so that you can build more meaningful relationships, you might enjoy this free training:

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Controversial American Debate Topics

For any US reader, the political climate is hot! Here are a few debate prompts that might stoke some lively debate.

They aren’t for the faint of heart and could hopefully result in some charged conversations—to create more understanding and insight.

  1. Should the voting age be lowered to 16?

At what age can people make informed, intelligent decisions? Should we empower youth more? Plus, the earlier people start voting, the more likely they’ll vote later. Some juicy topics! 

  1. Should there be stricter gun control laws in the United States?

This is a huge one, especially with all the shootings over the past years. About 40% of Americans5 say there is a gun in their household. Gun control debates tackle public safety, the Second Amendment, and measures to reduce gun-related violence.

  1. Is the death penalty an effective form of punishment?

About 60% of Americans6 support the death penalty, even though nearly 80% agree that there is some risk that an innocent person will be unrightly put to death. If that’s not grounds for an interesting debate, I don’t know what is!

Here are more stats:

An infographic exploring stats around the death penalty as an effective form of punishment. This is one of many American debate topics.
  1. Should the sale and use of recreational marijuana be legalized?
  2. Is abortion a woman’s right to choose or a moral issue?
  3. Should hate speech be protected as free speech?
  4. Is affirmative action in college admissions fair or discriminatory?
  5. Should euthanasia be legal for terminally ill patients?
  6. Is the use of torture justified in extreme circumstances?
  7. Should the United States abolish the Electoral College?
  8. Should there be restrictions on immigration to the United States?
  9. Should the United States provide foreign aid to countries in need?
  10. Is the use of autonomous weapons in warfare ethical?
  11. Should businesses be required to provide paid parental leave?
  12. Is the surveillance of citizens by the government a violation of privacy?
  13. Should sex work be legalized and regulated?
  14. Should there be limits on the freedom of the press to prevent fake news?
  15. How much of addiction is due to individual choices, and how much is biology and trauma-related?

American Political Debate Topics 

Try out these topics for some hot political debates to explore your deeper philosophies around politics. These topics are specific to the US government system but might provide interesting debate to folks from any country.

  1. Should gerrymandering be eliminated from the redistricting process?
  2. Should the United States implement a national ID card system?
  3. Should the United States transition to a parliamentary system of government?
  4. Is it ethical for politicians to accept campaign contributions from corporations?
  5. Is it acceptable to use blockchain technology for secure and transparent voting systems?
  6. Should people be required to pass a basic knowledge test to be eligible to vote?
  7. Is it important to implement term limits for members of Congress?
  8. Should political parties be required to disclose their donors publicly?
  9. Is it acceptable for the government to monitor citizens’ online activities for security purposes?
  10. Is it ethical for politicians to use social media for campaign purposes?
  11. Is establishing a third major political party in the United States important?
  12. Should nations pursue disarmament and work towards a world without nuclear weapons, or should they maintain and modernize their nuclear arsenals for deterrence and security purposes?

Unique Debate Topics 

Try out these debate topics to explore new domains of thought and conversation that you might not normally touch on.

  1. Is it ethical to colonize other planets to ensure the survival of humanity?
  2. Should governments provide a universal basic income for all citizens?
  3. Should there be a legal limit on the number of hours people can work each week?
  4. Is it justifiable to create a global language to promote unity and communication?
  5. Should there be a tax on disposable plastic products to reduce waste?
  6. Should there be a cap on the number of children a person can have to control overpopulation?
  7. Should countries invest more in renewable energy sources, even if it leads to job losses in fossil fuel industries?
  8. Is it appropriate to use AI algorithms to match people with potential life partners?
  9. Is it ethical to use gene editing to eliminate hereditary diseases from the human gene pool?
  10. Should voting in elections be mandatory for all eligible citizens?
  11. Is it acceptable for companies to use AI to create personalized advertisements based on individuals’ online behavior?
  12. Should a global ban exist on developing and using autonomous killer robots in warfare?
  13. Is it justifiable to offer tax breaks to companies that implement environmentally friendly practices?
  14. Are zoos ethical institutions that contribute to conservation and education, or should they be phased out in favor of alternative methods for wildlife protection and public education?
  15. Is it ethical to use AI algorithms to predict and prevent crimes before they happen?
  16. Should higher education be more affordable and accessible, with reduced reliance on student loans, or is the current system of student loans necessary to support educational opportunities and institutions?

If you liked those questions, here are 110 more mind-blowing questions to get you thinking about life.

Funny Debate Topics  

These debate topics are sure to bring out some chuckles from you and your debate adversary. 

  1. Should ketchup be allowed on pizza?
  2. Is cereal a soup, a breakfast food, or something else entirely?
  3. Is a hotdog a sandwich, or is it in a category of its own?
  4. Should toilet paper hang over or under?
  5. Is water wet, or is it just a perception?
  6. Does a straw have one hole or two?
  7. Should adults be allowed to play with toys without being judged?
  8. Was Darth Vader a tragic hero or a villain who ultimately redeemed himself?
  9. Would an underwater life be more appealing than a life in space?
  10. Should GIFs be pronounced with a hard “G” or a soft “G”?
  11. Are cartoons more entertaining than documentaries?
  12. Is it okay to talk to yourself out loud?
  13. Should unicorns be considered mythical creatures or real animals that haven’t been discovered yet?
  14. Is it okay to eat fries with a fork, or do you have to use your fingers?
  15. Is it better to have a messy bedroom or a messy kitchen?

Easy Debate Topics 

If you’re new to debate or want some starter topics, here are some topics everyone can relate to. These topics are especially good for kids, high schoolers, and students.

  1. Is it better to have a dog or a cat as a pet?
  2. Should students have homework every day?
  3. Is it more fun to play indoor or outdoor games?
  4. Should kids be allowed to have a later bedtime on weekends?
  5. Is it better to read books or watch movies for entertainment?
  6. Should schools have a longer summer break?
  7. At what age should children be allowed to have their own cell phones?
  8. Should kids be allowed to have a say in family decisions?
  9. Is it important to have a regular exercise routine?
  10. Should kids be allowed to choose their bedtime?

Silly Debate Topics

If you want to get silly, goofy, and playful, then try out these debate topics.

  1. Is it better to have a pet dinosaur or a pet dragon?
  2. Is it acceptable to wear a superhero cape to work or school every day?
  3. Should people walk backward instead of forward to see where they’ve been?
  4. Should all food be served in the form of ice cream?
  5. What’s better, a snowball fight in the summer or a hot water balloon fight in winter?
  6. Is it acceptable to have a day dedicated to wearing mismatched shoes?
  7. If everyone had to get 8 hours of sleep a night, would it help with world peace?
  8. Is it better to have a pet dragon that breathes confetti or one that breathes fire?

Frequently Asked Questions About Debate Topics

What are some debate topics?

Debate topics can include climate change, healthcare reform, education, and the impact of technology on society.

What are good topics to debate about?

Good topics to debate about encompass subjects like social justice, privacy in the digital age, and the influence of media on society.

What are some fun debate topics?

Fun debate topics may revolve around topics like the best movie genre, the existence of extraterrestrial life, and the merits of pizza toppings.

What are popular debate topics?

Popular debate topics often include gun control, immigration policy, climate change, and the role of technology in daily life.

What are good debate topics for high school?

Good debate topics for high school students can include issues like the importance of standardized testing, the impact of social media on mental health, and the relevance of classic literature in the modern curriculum.

Takeaways on Debate Topics

Best of luck setting up your debate!

If you hope to become a better debater, it can also help to invest in your oration skills. If you’re interested, here’s a great article to help boost your public speaking.

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