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11 Signs You’re an Ambivert (With Quiz!)

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Do you think you are an ambivert? I always have struggled with the question:

“Are you an extrovert or introvert?”

Like many people, I don’t quite fit into either category. In this article and video below, I want to introduce you to the concept of an ambivert.

Here’s a quick summary: Ever find yourself stuck in the middle of the introvert-extrovert spectrum, unsure of where you belong? You might be an ambivert, a flexible personality type capable of adapting their behavior based on the situation, mood, or context. This guide dives into what it means to be an ambivert, including signs you might be one and tips for leveraging your ambivert superpowers in work, relationships, and personal growth!

What is an Ambivert?

An ambivert is someone who exhibits qualities of both introversion and extroversion, and can utilize either personality type depending on their mood, context, and goals. It’s also pronounced AM-bi-vert. The emphasis is on the first syllable, “AM”, followed by a softer “bi”, and ending with “vert”.

Ambiverts have also been called:

  • Outgoing introverts: An introvert who can be outgoing in certain situations, around certain people, or when they need to.
  • Antisocial extroverts: An extrovert who needs time to recharge before socializing or likes to be alone more than a typical extrovert.
  • Social introverts: An introvert who can dial up into extroversion when needed.

Whether you are an introvert, extrovert, or ambivert, you have a unique skill set! Watch our video below to learn how to harness your expert power!

Extroversion and introversion describe how someone reacts to people. Ambiverts are flexible in how they respond to people.

  • In the right context, in the right mood, around the right people, ambiverts can flip up into extroversion.
  • In difficult contexts, when tired or cranky or around toxic people, ambiverts can flip down into introversion.

11 Signs You’re an Ambivert (Ambivert Quiz)

Wondering if you’re an ambivert? If you find yourself nodding to these signs, you might just be smack dab in the middle of the introvert-extrovert spectrum.

First, let’s find out how you rank on the scale. Take the Ambivert Quiz:

Are You An Ambivert?

First, let’s find out how you rank on the scale. Do you think you might be an ambivert? Or do you know one in your life? Take the Ambivert Quiz:

Once you’re finished, here’s a closer look at the tell-tale signs that you’re an ambivert—because why settle for one side of the personality spectrum when you can have a slice of both?

  1. Your Playlist Has Multiple Personalities. One minute, you’re deep into a playlist titled “Zen Garden Serenity,” the next, you’re blasting “Party Hits” and having your dance party. Your music tastes swing as widely as your social preferences, and you wouldn’t have it any other way.
  2. Your Idea of a Party Depends on the Day. Monday: A quiet evening with a book sounds divine. Friday: Why isn’t everyone dancing? If your social battery charges and depletes faster than a smartphone, welcome to the ambivert club!
  3. Small Talk Isn’t Your Enemy…But It’s Not Your BFF, Either. You can small talk your way through a networking event like a pro, but deep down, you’re fantasizing about having a meaningful conversation about whether cats or dogs make better space explorers.
  4. You’ve Perfected the Irish Goodbye. Slipping out of a party unnoticed is your superpower. Sometimes, mingling becomes too much, and you disappear with the stealth of a cat burglar, leaving people to wonder, “Wasn’t Alex just here a minute ago?”
  5. Group Projects: Lead, Follow, or Get Out of the Way? All of the Above.  You’re comfortable taking the lead or hanging back and letting others guide the way. But if things go off the rails, you’re ready to step in and steer the project back on track.
  6. Your Comfort Zone Is More Like a Comfort Spectrum. You thrive in a variety of settings, but you have clear boundaries. One day, you’re all about trying new things; the next, you’re wrapped in a blanket fort of safety and familiarity.
  7. You’re a Social Chameleon. You can adapt to almost any social setting, which is both a blessing and a curse. You blend in at the high-energy concert and the serene art exhibit, but sometimes you forget where you parked your personality.
  8. The Thought of Spending the Weekend Alone is Both Heavenly and Hellish. A weekend alone? Sounds great…until it doesn’t. You cherish your solitude but fear the moment it becomes too quiet, and you start talking to your plants more than usual.
  9. You’re Equally Drained by Too Much Interaction and Too Much Isolation. Finding the perfect balance between socializing and alone time is like balancing a seesaw by yourself. Just when you think you’ve got it, life throws another person on either end.
  10. You Can Be the Life of the Party or the Wallflower. It all depends on your mood, the crowd, and perhaps the phase of the moon. You can turn your extroversion up to eleven or dial it down to a serene introvert level.
  11. Your Ideal Night Out Involves Going Out…and Then Coming Right Back In. The plan: Go out for a fun night. Reality: You make it to the doorstep, think about the comfort of your pajamas, and decide a cozy night in which a good movie beats any crowded venue.

If these signs feel all too familiar, congratulations! You’re an ambivert, enjoying (or enduring) the best (and sometimes confusing) aspects of both worlds. Embrace your versatile personality—it makes you uniquely equipped to navigate a world designed for extremes.

The Science Behind Ambiversion

Research has found that how we react to people is physiological. This study1 found that we judge someone’s level of extroversion or introversion immediately–often based on facial structure.

For example, We can also self-select our tendency toward extroversion. Which explanation sounds more like you?

  • I am drawn to people; I get energy from social gatherings and am fairly outgoing. (Extrovert)
  • It’s draining to be around lots of people. I prefer peace, solitude, and quiet time. I usually crave alone time in my free time. (Introvert)
  • It depends. (Ambivert)

I will use the terms as labels for the sake of the article, but let’s get one thing straight:

Ambiversion Is Not a Label, It’s a Spectrum

When I talk about the Big 5 Personality Traits, I explain the extroversion scale. You can rank low, high, or medium. People who fall in the middle of the spectrum are called ambiverts.

Further research2 also shows that the dopamine system in our brain, which regulates reward and pleasure, plays a significant role in determining where we fall on the introversion-extroversion spectrum. Ambiverts are believed to have a more balanced dopamine response system, allowing them to seek out social interactions when beneficial but not to the extent that it becomes overwhelming, as might be the case with extroverts.

Why Ambiverts Are Amazing (& How to Leverage Ambiversion)

Many people assume that extroverts are the best at sales, the best leaders, and the most successful at work—WRONG! Adam Grant, an associate professor at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, analyzed 35 separate studies and found the statistical relationship between extroversion and income was basically zero.

He conducted a personality survey and collected three-month sales records for more than 300 salespeople, both male and female. The people who ranked right in the middle for extroversion and introversion–ambiverts–turned out to be the best salespeople.

“Ambiverts pulled in 24% more revenue than introverts and a mind-boggling 32% more revenue than extroverts!”

Grant theorized that ambiverts seem to strike a balance between the two more extreme personality traits:

“The ambivert advantage stems from the tendency to be assertive and enthusiastic enough to persuade and close, but at the same time, listening carefully to customers and avoiding the appearance of being overly confident or excited,” Grant said.

Find Your Nourishing Locations

Ambiverts typically slide up and down the spectrum depending on the situation, context, and people around them. I call this situational introversion.

For example, certain locations make me extremely nervous and quiet—nightclubs, rooftop bars, and stereotypically ‘chic’ places make me feel super out of place. In learning environments—such as classrooms, workshops, or seminars—you can’t get me to shut up. I constantly have my hand raised, try to make friends with everyone sitting within ten feet of me, and always ask for extra credit.

If you want to master your people skills, you have to know how you react to different situations. I split locations into three categories: Survive, Neutral, and Thrive.

Use this list of common places to find your top three thrive locations—places where you are your best self, and your top three survive locations—places where you dread going.

  • Bars
  • Nightclubs
  • Restaurants
  • House Party
  • Board Rooms
  • Office Meetings
  • Conferences
  • Coffee Shops
  • Cocktail Party
  • Backyard BBQ
  • Networking Event

When you know where you thrive, you can build your schedule and your time around the locations where you can be your best self.

Find Your Nourishing People

People also can affect where we fall on the extroversion scale. Who brings out the best in you? Are there people you dread seeing? How about people you can’t get enough of?

Right now, make a list of the toxic and nourishing people in your life:



See every person on that nourishing list? Text, email, or call them right now to get together. 

See every person on that toxic list? You deserve to be around people who sustain you.

Hobby Hoarding Is Allowed

If you’re a true ambivert, chances are you have interests in one, two, or three of many hobbies. But whatever hobbies you pick, I recommend choosing at least one good solo hobby and one group hobby.

Solo hobbies allow you to spend alone time recharging your bank for the next social outing. Think painting, writing, meditation, or reading.

Group hobbies are often neglected, but this one’s important (according to Harvard’s longest longevity study). These hobbies are social—think group soccer, cooking club, improv comedy, and more.

Having a range of hobbies allows you to balance your need for quiet reflection with your desire for social interaction. 

And remember, one day, you might crave the solitude of a long hike, and the next, the collective buzz of a board game night. Each hobby serves a different part of you, and that’s something to celebrate!

The Ambivert Advantage

Being able to balance both extroversion and introversion is an asset. Study these associated traits, courtesy of Larry Kim:

  • Flexible: Ambiverts typically can adapt to context and situations more easily.
  • Stable: According to psychologist Hans Eysenck, who coined the term “ambivert” in 1947, ambiverts offer a good balance between the hypersensitivity of some introverts and the domineering attitude of some extroverts.
  • Intuitive: Daniel Pink said that ambiverts “know when to speak up and when to shut up, when to inspect and when to respond, when to push and when to hold back.”

Wear Your “Maybe” Like a Medal

People often demand a yes or no, black or white, introvert or extrovert answer. But wielding your “maybe” is like carrying a secret weapon—and this is an ambivert’s advantage!

Here’s why your “maybe” comes in:

  • Maybe Means Mindfulness: By saying “maybe,” you’re not dodging decisions. You’re listening to your inner voice, checking in with your mental and emotional reserves. And if you’re not cool with it by the time a decision has to be made, no biggie! Just turn that maybe to a “next time!”
  • Maybe Empowers Choice: When you say “maybe,” you’re keeping your options open, allowing you to step in or out without fearing stepping on toes.
  • Celebrating Your Maybe: It’s time to celebrate your “maybe” for what it truly is—a symbol of your understanding that life isn’t always a straightforward path.

Use your may be at work, in relationships, and with friends! But be careful not to become too ambivalent, or you might end up like a toxic person: 7 Types of Toxic People and How to Spot Them

Ambivert Problems

With all that flexibility comes some liabilities. Since ambiverts can be so flexible, they often run into a few problems:

  • They love to talk to people but want to plan it out first.
  • They say yes to too many things because they aren’t sure what will work best for them.
  • Their extroverted side says yes to things in the future, but then their introverted side has a hard day and no longer wants to go.
  • When they’re in a bad mood…nothing sounds fun.
  • They like going out only when they are in the right mood, with the right people.
  • 18 more problems only ambiverts face.3

Sometimes ambiverts are caught in the middle—between their desire to be extroverted and the needs of their introverted side.

Action Step: Write out the problems you’re facing when you feel pressure to be more extroverted or introverted to build awareness.

Natural Sales Skills

Research by Adam Grant at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania has highlighted the advantages of ambiversion in social and professional settings. His study on salespeople found that ambiverts achieved superior sales performance compared to their purely introverted or extroverted counterparts, suggesting that the ability to modulate one’s approach to fit the social context is a significant asset.

Your Escape Plan

For the ambivert, the graceful exit is not just a tactic but a necessary strategy, ensuring you preserve your energy without dampening the party spirit.

Here’s how to elevate your departure to an art form:

The Pre-Exit Prep

  • Set Expectations Early: When you arrive, hint at a busy day tomorrow. Perhaps you’re trying to get up earlier or have work to catch up on.
  • The Power of Presence: While you’re there, be fully engaged. Dive into conversations, laugh heartily, and maybe even lead a toast. Being present ensures that your absence is felt as a loss, not a relief.

The Graceful Goodbye

  • The Subtle Sign-off: Find your host and offer a genuine thank you, mentioning how wonderful the evening was.
  • The Quiet Cue: No need for grand announcements. Feel free to let a few closer friends or acquaintances know before you leave if at a bigger event, and then make your great escape.

Post-Exit Elegance

  • The Morning After Message: A quick note or text to the host expressing your enjoyment of the party cements your good guest status and mitigates any faux pas feelings from your early departure.
  • Share a Highlight: Mention a specific moment or conversation from the party that stood out to you. It’s a way to show that, though you left early, you were truly present for the moments you shared.

Amplify Your Ambiversion

Now, I want you to leverage your ambiversion! Here’s how:

“The ambivert advantage stems from the tendency to be assertive and enthusiastic enough to persuade and close, but at the same time, listening carefully to customers and avoiding the appearance of being overly confident or excited,” Grant said. Know when to flexibly use the traits that serve you.

I want you to control how you spend your time and who you spend it with. I am giving you permission: you do not have to spend time with people who drain you or in places that drain you.

Life is too short to spend time with toxic people in draining places!

If you have to see a toxic person—such as a family member or co-worker–use time-blocking to buffer time spent with them. If you know you’ll see them, schedule some recharge time for yourself before or after. You also can have an escape route or excuse ready to go if your time with them runs long. Use scheduling to your advantage by blocking out times and places that work best for your personality.

What is an ambivert?

An ambivert is someone who exhibits both introversion and extroversion and can flip into either depending on their mood, context, and goals.

How do you pronounce ambivert?

Here’s the ambivert pronunciation: am-buh-vurt

Remember: There is no right or wrong personality type. The only right thing to do is live, act, and address who you are. Act on your strengths, purge toxicity, and get to know your true self.

Check out our video below to learn conversation starters for introverts!

Ambiverts in the Workplace

Ambiverts have a unique edge in the workplace. They can both relax in the quiet focus of work and keep up with the social side, like workplace humor. This duality, when harnessed correctly, can lead to outstanding performance and fulfillment in professional environments.

Here are three juicy tips for ambiverts to use their versatility as a superpower!

Strategic Networking

Let’s say you’ve got a networking event coming up. Sure, it can be a great event, but sometimes you might need a little recharge after. I like to schedule “Extrovert Bursts” for networking and “Introvert Retreats” for recovery.

For example, you can prepare beforehand by slotting in time before and after the event for low-stimulation activities. This could mean working on a solitary project a couple of hours before the event to conserve social energy and planning a quiet lunch alone afterward to decompress.

This way, you’ll head into the networking event as chill as a cucumber without too much stress.

Chameleon Leadership

Do you know your charismatic leadership style? One approach to leading is taking a chameleon-like approach—by first assessing your team’s mood and energy levels, you can tailor what’s best for them.

For example, if the team seems low on energy or disengaged, step up with an extroverted style (without overdoing it!) by initiating lively discussions or energetic brainstorming sessions. 

Conversely, if the team is feeling overwhelmed or stressed, switch to an introverted approach by giving them space to work independently, focusing on one-on-one check-ins.

Here’s an example: Sarah, an ambiverted team leader, notices her team is feeling the mid-week slump. She decides to energize the morning meeting with a quick, interactive game related to their project. Later in the week, recognizing signs of stress among her team members, she cancels the regular group meeting in favor of individual touch bases, offering support and guidance without the pressure of a group setting.

Ambiverted Productivity

Do you have an “Ambivert-Friendly Zone” in your workspace? An ambivert-friendly zone has a small, quiet corner or space for times when you need to focus without distractions and a more open, communal area where you can engage and have great conversations.

If you don’t have a dynamic workspace, you can use headphones as a signal for “introvert mode” and keep an approachable symbol out, like a fun desk toy or a candy jar, when you’re open to socializing.

Ambiverts in Relationships

Ever wondered how ambiverts stack up against extroverts and introverts in relationships? Here’s a nifty table showcasing how!

Meeting New PeopleAmbiverts approach new interactions with a balanced mindset. They’re cautious at first but warm up quickly if they feel a connection, adjusting their approach based on social cues.Introverts may feel apprehensive or reserved, preferring to observe before engaging. They might take longer to open up and require more effort to initiate conversation.Extroverts dive into new interactions with enthusiasm, readily initiating conversations and sharing personal anecdotes. They thrive on the energy of new connections and often make the first move.
Conflict ResolutionAmbiverts adapt their conflict resolution style to the situation. They can assert themselves when necessary but are also capable of listening and compromising, seeking a balanced resolution.Introverts tend to avoid confrontation and might withdraw or concede to keep the peace. They prefer to process their thoughts and feelings privately before discussing the issue.Extroverts are likely to address conflicts directly and immediately, wanting to talk through issues as soon as they arise. They’re comfortable with open dialogue but might overpower quieter voices.
Social GatheringsAmbiverts can enjoy social gatherings but will monitor their energy levels, engaging actively when energized and stepping back to observe when needed. They find a balance between socializing and solitude.Introverts might find large gatherings overwhelming and prefer to stick to familiar faces or spend time in quieter corners. They value deep, one-on-one conversations over mingling.Extroverts relish social gatherings, often the life of the party. They move from group to group, engaging with many people and enjoying the spotlight.
Expressing AffectionAmbiverts show affection based on their partner’s needs and the moment’s intimacy, sometimes with grand gestures and others through deep conversations or thoughtful acts of service.Introverts express affection in more reserved, subtle ways, valuing quality time and acts of service over grand declarations. They prefer showing love through consistent, thoughtful actions.Extroverts are openly affectionate, often using verbal declarations of love, physical touch, and social engagements as their primary love languages. They’re not shy about public displays of affection.
Dealing with ChangeAmbiverts navigate change by assessing both the emotional and logical aspects, making them flexible and resilient. They adapt by considering how changes affect their personal and social lives, seeking a harmonious balance.Introverts may struggle with change, especially if it disrupts their routine or comfort zone. They need time to adjust and prefer to approach changes methodically, with ample time to prepare mentally.Extroverts often embrace change with optimism, seeing it as an opportunity for new adventures and experiences. They adapt quickly but may overlook the details or the impact of change on their quieter counterparts.

When it comes to romantic relationships, there may be more in-depth ways of looking at how you might respond. If you’re interested, we’ve got you covered: The 5 Relationship Patterns: Which One Are You?

Master Your Personality

Whether you’re an introvert, extrovert, or ambivert, you can level up your strengths and strengthen your weaknesses. Take the flagship course in order to gain that edge:

pointing in photos

Master Your People Skills

  • Create a Memorable Presence
  • Communicate with Confidence
  • Achieve Your Goals

Have a question about the presentation or People School? Email Science of People support.

Want to get to know your fellow colleagues? Read up on Introverts and Extroverts.

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48 thoughts on “11 Signs You’re an Ambivert (With Quiz!)”

    1. Hey Chris, thanks for the comment! What’s cool about this idea is that it’s not meant to put you into a specific category, but to actually free you from a label. You may naturally be an extrovert (which is awesome), but maybe sometimes you display a few introverted tendencies that bring you to the ambivert level.

      It’s fun to tap into ourselves once in a while to see how we behave. -Danielle & The Science of People Team

  1. This may be one of my favorite posts, Vanessa! I’ve always considered myself an Introvert, but I knew that sometimes, I displayed very extroverted tendencies (depending on the circumstances). I never really liked labeling myself as an Introvert, because people automatically awesome you’re not very outgoing/shy (and I’m neither!)

    This idea has given me the freedom to associate myself in the middle of the spectrum- a really cool place to be. I can accept my natural introversion, but develop and learn more about my extroverted tendencies. So fascinating and wonderful.

  2. Hey Rudy! Sorry to hear you were having trouble with the quiz. I added a note before the quiz on how to reset cookies if you’re experiencing issues. Thank you for the feedback! – Danielle & The Science of People Team

  3. Hey Danielle. Get an introvert on a subject that they care about and you can’t get them to shut up. 🙂

    The whole trait thing is just a generality. It should never be used as a definition of who and how we are. The specific circumstance you are in at the time can have you react differently than what a few questions used to pigeon hole you.

  4. Daniel Pink has written some great stuff based on same research and he successfully destroys the fallacy that extroverts make the best sales people. In fact, ambiverts make the best influencers because they are good listeners and clients don’t want to listen to some bozo talk about himself.

  5. Vanessa, this is such an encouraging post. I recently took the MMPI test, and scored in between introversion and extroversion, leaning just slightly to extroversion. Although a lot has been written about these tendencies (introversion being the hot topic lately) I’ve always felt that I’m able to identify with both sides of the spectrum. This makes the defining lines blurry but the concept of Ambivert fits this quandary well! Thanks for helping us understand more about ourselves, and how we can relate and care better for the people around us!

  6. Vanessa, this is such an important topic, thank you for you summary and the quiz! I always concidered myself to be an introvert, and yet your quiz has shown me that I have much more extovert tendencies than I was aware of. The whole topic has become very popular in the last couple of years, however I mainly found information on the description of the intovert-ambivert-extrovert qualities. But I hope to find more life coaching tips and everiday practice for us introverts, as I have often had the feeling that we need different kind of advice than extroverts do. Many tipps on improving skills and handling situations were not working for me – although they certainly do work for extroverts. So I am happy to see all your videos on the topic, as they are all very informative. I hope to see more of them 🙂

  7. 61… Ambivert, but I prefer the label of Sociopath. I have found that the whole introvert vs extrovert debate is nonsensical to anyone who knows a bit of psychology/neuroscience/sociology because they can simply use what they know to form strategies that frame their thoughts/feelings/actions as they choose. Just writing this reminds me that I need to do a bit of a refresher and implement conscious decision making more often.

    Cool post though.

    1. Hey Thomas, thank you for your feedback! I’m curious about framing our thoughts and actions as we choose. Do you have a recommendation for an article that expands on this idea a little more?

      -Danielle & The Science of People Team

    2. Well if you know how to change your thoughts, feelings, and actions, would you be able to decide whether you are an introvert or an extrovert? Or is it that you are born with a set personality of an introvert or an extrovert?

  8. Eveline-Marie Lammens

    I never knew ambiverts existed until now, this makes me sooo happy! I’ve always had difficulties with friends. They don’t get that I don’t like to go to nightclubs etc, and I always have to make excuses. It tears me up, because I do like me friends and I want them to like me. This clears everything up and I hope it will make some stuff easier know I understand myself.

  9. Rick Leverton

    I always considered myself a sleeping introvert, dreaming that I was an extrovert. Scored 54. I hate labels, but the ambivert definition seems to fit like a glove. I think I’ll wear it for a while 🙂

  10. What confused me about this test is the being alone time. Because I like being alone, however if I don’t have internet I hate it. Then I become bored and hate spending time alone. I know I’m an ambivert however I’m still not sure about which side I’m leaning too. For now, my results satisfy me, so thanks.

  11. David Schofield

    Thanks for this Vanessa. I agree entirely about avoiding environments that do not support us. However with regards relationships the internal debate I always have is, although some people can be draining, it isn’t because they have any mal-intent toward me, just that our current personalities do not gel. In which case, should we not be working on ourselves to become more capable of dealing with these people? Ambivert flexibility aside, isn’t personality malleable enough to allow us to make such changes in ourselves, instead of writing off some potentially very valuable relationships.

  12. I scored a 28, which is higher than I expected. My wife got me a t-shirt for my birthday… “Introverts Unite, we are here, we are uncomfortable and we want to go home.” Pretty funny, except I would never wear it out in public.. it is the sort of T-shirt an extrovert like my wife would think an introvert would want to wear….I only wear it around the house but you cannot blend into the background with a shirt like that on.

    1. Danielle McRae

      Hahaha, this made me laugh Joe! It’s so true–those types of T-shirts make everyone in the room want to talk to you, which kind of defeats the point of being an Introvert. Maybe you can wear it out on your more extroverted/ambivert days? 🙂

      Danielle | Science of People Team

  13. It it saying that extroverts make just as much money as introverts. The people that find a balance between introversion and extroversion figure out how to act around certain people, thus making more money.

  14. 58. Like all things “human” nothing is fixed. We have a choice to act depending on the context. Of interest here would be the age of respondents; I’m guessing the older one gets the more aware one becomes of not making a fool of one self… age and wisdom, and of course alcohol.

  15. This is so great, and will come in handy with my coaching clients. For me I have never felt introvert or extrovert all the time. Ambivert is the perfect description, and I loved the nurture location concept. There are definitely places where I rock, and places that I would just rather not be at.

    1. Hey Jason, thanks for checking it out! I too, am glad to not be in the box of introvert or extrovert anymore 🙂

      Danielle | Science of People Team

  16. Agil Ananda Mizan

    I used to think which one is my self between extrovert and introvert, and I always not sure about being one of those. Until today I found an information about being an Ambivert which led me to search more about Ambivert.
    Thanks for giving me this information and quizit, is really helpful (I got 49 in my quiz) . It makes me more confident and know more things I need to do to manage myself. ?

    1. Hey Agil! We’re so glad you found this quiz. I went through almost 25 years of my life feeling confused that I tested as an Introvert, but can be super social and outgoing in certain situations. I love that the option of “Ambivert” exists so we’re not forced into one box!

      Danielle | Science of People Team

  17. This information is incredibly valuable! It’s good to know I am not alone when it comes to feeling great in some situations and drained in others. Thanks Vanessa!

  18. my score 54. ugh now i know.. its weird sometimes i like a bitch in the party sometimes i like a nerd who like reading alone all the day. lmao

  19. I love that this has been identified. Have you ever taken the Meyers Briggs test and not known how to answer some of the questions because it all simply depended on the situation? I end up getting all different results and still not know where exactly I fit in. This concept has finally solved my issue. The only question I have now is how what personality type am I? I was really looking for a direction with what to do. I know my current occupation is not what I want to do nor does it utilize my talents and interests. So is there more to this idea and where could I find more information?

  20. I really like it that you break this concept of being either introvert or extrovert. I think this goes for the rest of the big 5 traits too. One isn’t either open or not, it’s a spectrum and a trait can be specific to certain topics or situations.

  21. The quiz told me I am an extrovert, but I most often feel like a social introvert. Despite enjoying smaller social gathering I feel drained at the end of the evening. Thank you though for enlightening me about the middle ground: ambiverts.

  22. It’s all really confusing to me ! sometimes i like people, but sometimes i don’t like people. I have friend’s on social media but don’t attract friends in real life. I’m not an attractive person. but then again i don’t think I’m ugly. So it all based on what attitude i have towards myself that day. If you annoy me then I’m going to have a bad day. but i don”t or try not attract attention in a negative way toward people unless i feel trapped or threaten. Hahahah all this coming from a guy who’s name is not really Bruce Bartholomew. lol weird. but i only did that because of Facebook and work.

    1. Hello ‘Bruce’! I feel the same way sometimes. There are days where I am the most social person in the world and others where I prefer to stay in my shell. Attitude/surroundings/specific people can absolutely have an effect on our personality and extroversion.

      Danielle | Science of People Team

  23. Sheikh Ahmmad Ali

    I always wondered why I was like that ! 
    Like its kind of, am i sociable or unsociable !!
    Some time i feels like i’m good alone as well i feels like i can’t live with out accompany or crowed !
    I spend a lot of time trying to find myself. Sometimes i thinks that yes it is me again it seems that no it’s not me ! Due to this sometimes I have to spend my time in confusion that what i actually am ! 
    One of the things that is, In many cases, the people I have contact with can make happy by my behaviour and in some cases those people got unhappy by my behavior ! At that time they tell me that I have changed but It seems to me that I am the same as before . Its strange !!! Is it wrong for all of them to understand it or to explain of me ?
    I don’t know. I just understand that I am suffering or getting pain because whatever is
    But I never wanted or wanted anyone bad, even those who are very close to me and have made the mistake of understanding me !
    It was only my mom who could understand me. Yes, my father, sister, brother, they also understand, but they are naked compared to my mom.
    So long I have thought that I may be the exception. That is, the Creator might have done something wrong when he created me. However I was wrong.
    Yeah I might be an exception. However, I am not the only one in this world that has some exceptions. I knew that a person would be either social or unsocial.
    However, today I learned that no ! There are people with whom the characteristics of both are prevalent !  And yeah it is natural. Yes they are called “AMBIVERT”. Although they are very few in number but it is normal.
    People who are social is called “EXTROVERT” and people who are unsocial are called “INTROVERT” . 
    Those who have been in the middle of both these are called ” AMBIVERT” .
    One can not simply say ambivert to himself.There are some signs and symptoms of being an Ambivert. And all these signs and associations exist in me. And i have the probability that i am an “ambivert” because i have all common
    Yeah now it feels good. Because i found myself. Yes i am exceptional. I am an AMBIVERT !!!

  24. Thank you for the interesting article. I have always thought I was an introvert living as an extrovert. I have been in rock bands and am a host on TV but I prefer to be alone most of the time. I only turn up the chatter when needed. Glad to know I am a ambivert. You made my day!

    1. Thank you for presenting this information to us. I work in the customer service industry and I’m great at interacting with customers…for a limited amount of time. Experience has taught me that my patience with customers begins to slip the longer I’m in a customer connection position. I need time to recharge and I need to take it seriously, not only in my personal life but my work life as well. This article helped to shed light on a part of me I didn’t understand. Thank you.

    2. Same here.
      I never knew there was ambivert.
      I just knew I’m in the middle of Introvert and Extrovert.

      1. Tracie l Robinson king

        If there is any other info that can be sent to me about this would greatly be appreciate. I have been disabled at 19 and had to relearn a few things but before and more after I have felt as if I dnt belong anywhere. My family tells me im over reacting and im to worried about what others think.. Any advice would help me to direct my family. After 14yrs my fiance is now starting to treat me the same as my family this is becoming a real big problem and I find myself pushing him away or withdrawing myself can you please help me save my family we are young parents he is 32 and im 35 we got together as soon as he graduated high school at 18 I had 3 kids already and pregnant for the 4th which he raised as his own finally I gave birth to son 1st son 3yrs ago . any info will help them better understand me . please and god bless you

  25. Psychologists are saying 2 conflicting comments about Ambiverts and the extroversion spectrum:
    – that they are in the middle between extravert and introvert.
    – that they are both an introvert and extrovert.

    Someone who was in the middle would be a mild mixture of both, a neutravert, whereas I get the impression that the definition of an ambivert is that they represent a broad spectrum of the extroversion spectrum or that they are multiple points on the spectrum.

    Personally, I have struggled with explaining that I’m both an extrovert and introvert to people my whole life. I use to live in London and was very sociable. I’m easy to talk to, am easygoing and people like spending time with me. Besides being in a full time job with people I would be sociable every evening of the week and all weekend, so all of the time. I didn’t need to be sociable, but people would phone up and I would happily go along with it. The problem is that eventually I would get this unstoppable desire to have space and find it hard to push back and so I would quit my job and have 6 months off before getting another computer job. I ended up doing computer contracting in which suited this but it did damage my career. If I couldn’t let the contract end as I was in the middle of a really big project I would eventually really need my space so when it ended I would go off travelling on my own for a couple of months. I even went travelling alone for 10 months once.
    This year I have had great balance. January to March I was working in an office with people and doing sociable weekends. Then came the Covid-19 2.5 month lockdown where I worked from home and had an excuse not to see anyone. Besides food shopping or going for a walk I saw no one. I saw no one I knew for 2.5 months. It was wonderful ! If only I could live something like this – 3 months on and 3 months off !

    I am totally happy presenting, being with people and chatting to new people. Because of this, even extroverts, says things like “your much more of an extrovert than me”. They just don’t get it !
    I tried really hard explaining it to an extrovert friend of mine once saying part of me was a proper hermit and his response was “you sound like your schizophrenic” – ridiculous!

    I’m in a big family with 3 siblings. The good thing is that my family understand as my dad and one of my brothers is similar. If I would analyse my family I would say we had 1 neutravert (or mild extravert, a woman), 1 introvert (man) who tries to be an extravert, 3 ambiverts (all men) and 1 woman where there isn’t a definition – she is like me, but doesn’t need time on her own. That doesn’t make her a pure extravert as all of the pure extraverts I know struggled with the lockdown whereas she didn’t.

    Is there a big psychology magazine somewhere where I can explain that not everyone is a point on the extroversion spectrum. I am multiple points which in reality means I never get to express the hermit side of me, my weekends always feel under pressure from friends to do something, and i am always craving it.

    1. Thank you I lost a very good friend we had dated and was in a relationship and at the time I was trying to figure out what was wrong she told me that she was ambivert so I started to read up on it we really liked each other because I started to understand her she needed time to energize her space time alone. I really miss her she stated she didn’t want me in her life anymore I go to know her very well she was comfortable being around me because I understand she could be herself maybe one day we will see each other again . I did fall in love with her she is a awesome person .

    2. Hi Andrew,
      I think you need to hone in on what she says about is learning to say no. In fact, what if you schedual 3 nights a week, with one weekend day completely off limits to socializations. Then you can tailor that as you need to find a balance.

  26. Jim Tanner, Esq.

    Too a worm that knows no other hole an onion is heaven.

    I suppose those of us who love a red delicious apple should thank the worm.

    So, I ask you what the fastest drying liquid in the world and you will probably say water, vegetable oil or maybe alcohol etc.

    My Answer:
    Since I am a romantic philosopher and pray, I say trial lawyer my answer is more direct.

    Perhaps more meaningful to one who has gone the distance for the sake of say love only to receive in the end a broken heart my answer to those is simple:

    When asked what the fastest drying liquid in the world is, I reply:

    “The Tears of Gratitude”

    How soon one does so often forget yesterday planting until one sees the majestic butterfly of spring as she spreads her wings and paints even a pale gray sky.

    @ James Roscoe Tanner, Esq.

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