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15 Popular Dreams and What They’re Trying to Tell You

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1Research has shown that roughly 80% of dreams are negative, leaving us feeling down, while only about 20% are positive. However, more creative people tend to have more 2positive dreams!

But the big question is, why do we even dream? Scientists, psychologists, and philosophers have delved into this question, seeking to unwrap the mysteries of the human mind.

Here’s the lowdown: There are many reasons why we dream and many different interpretations of dream meanings! But the best part?

Talking about dreams is a great way to start a conversation or be more interesting!

Let’s dive into the world of dreams.

Why Do We Dream?

Humans dream to organize information and memories and process emotions. Dreams are a reflection of this 3neuroplasticity and 4adaptation. When we dream, our brains are still active, processing data and forming connections. This can lead to vivid experiences as our brains tap into sensory areas and memories.

The science of dreaming can be explained in a few key ways, such as:

  • Memory Consolidation: Professor David Eagleman, in his book Livewired, says that one of the primary functions of dreaming is to aid the brain’s mechanisms for integrating new information into long-term memory and linking it with emotional experiences. This strengthens neural connections and enhances learning.
  • Emotional Processing: Dreams also serve as 5emotional regulation and processing. They provide a safe space for the brain to explore and work through 6complex emotions, 7unresolved conflicts, and 8psychological stressors. Dreams help individuals cope with and adapt to real-life experiences more effectively by simulating challenging scenarios and emotions during sleep.
  • Neurobiology: Regular dreaming, particularly during 9REM sleep, is crucial for memory, creativity, and emotional resilience. It helps maintain cognitive function and psychological health.

Dreams captivate us, revealing our subconscious. But what do common dreams mean?

Important Reminder: Dream interpretation is more art than science! There is no verified academic research on a universal interpretation of dream content. Interpretations of dreams are highly personal and vary based on individual and cultural influences! These interpretations below may only apply to some. It is always best to consult a doctor or licensed therapist with any questions or concerns in regard to your physical or mental health. You can check out Mental Health America’s helpful list of good resources for therapists.

#1 Falling

Falling in dreams can feel real enough to wake you with a jolt as your body reacts to the sensation. It’s common to experience this sensation vividly, sometimes even yelling out in fear as you instinctively try to stop the fall.

The 10sensation of falling in a dream can trigger a fear response, reflecting feelings of vulnerability or uncertainty. Psychologically, it may represent a perceived lack of control over one’s circumstances

In Jung’s book11 Man and His Symbols, he links falling in dreams to the Icarus myth. He suggests that the context of the dream is the most intriguing aspect, rather than just the falling itself, as he sees falling in dreams as the unconscious striving to restore balance.

1Research suggests falling dreams occur during rapid eye movement (REM) sleep and may be linked to stress or unresolved emotions, which can reflect:

  • Feelings of loss of control
  • Anxiety or insecurity
  • Stress or worries

Variations of falling dreams:

  • Falling from a cliff: This dream might 12signal stress or anxiety in your life. Feeling disconnected in dreams mirrors real-life disconnection, possibly due to moving away from loved ones or feeling goals slipping away.
  • Dreams of tripping: 13Fear of falling behind in life or work. The term “slip up” or “tripped up” is closely linked to this symbolism. Such dreams might reflect concerns about inadequacy, fear of failure, or anxiety.
  • Falling from the sky: An expert dream analyst and psychologist, 14Dorothy Chambers, says, “A slow fall from a high place can indicate that you are between crossroads and can’t make a decision.” This dream usually suggests a 15feeling of losing control or being torn between choices.

Don’t worry—the fear of losing control is common in humans. Many people fear losing control in social situations. But it doesn’t have to be like that! Check out this goodie:

#2 Flying

The 16sensation of flying feels freeing, symbolizing overcoming challenges and gaining new room for different perspectives. This dream reflects personal growth and spiritual ascent across cultures.

17Cross-cultural studies show flying dreams are common and might be associated with feelings of liberation, empowerment, or transcendence, which may reflect subconscious desire to break free from constraints and mundane routines. This carries positive symbolism, indicating:

  • Transitions in life
  • Overcoming fears
  • Embracing newfound freedom

In his book 18The Interpretation of Dreams, Sigmund Freud suggests that dreaming of flying symbolizes freedom and self-discovery, revealing your limitless imagination and curiosity.

Symbolic Meaning of Flying in a Dream:

InterpretationSymbolic Meaning
FreedomFlying symbolizes personal freedom and breaking free from restrictions in waking life.
Spiritual growthRising above mundane concerns for a higher perspective.
Exploration of the unconsciousExploring the unconscious mind and discovering hidden aspects of oneself.
Lucid DreamingFlying in dreams, especially during lucid dreaming, signifies heightened self-awareness and control over actions within the dream.

#3 Being Chased

Have you ever been chased in a dream? It’s a shared experience that leaves us wondering.

Dreams of being chased are expected, which intrigues both psychologists and dream enthusiasts. These dreams might have hidden messages. Psychologist Patricia Garfield suggests they can be like health warnings. For example, recurring nightmares featuring animals attacking certain body parts might hint at health concerns, as shown by cases where people experienced symptoms matching serious illnesses like stomach cancer before diagnosis.

Many people commonly dream of being chased when stressed or anxious, which reflects their underlying emotions and concerns needing attention, according to 19Healthline.

Lauri Loewenberg, a dream expert and author, suggests that being chased in a dream might reflect avoidance in real life, such as evading tough confrontations or unwanted obligations.

Some holistic health professionals and psychoanalysts suggest reasons for being chased in dreams, such as:

  • Underlying fears or anxieties
  • The pressure felt in daily life
  • Unresolved conflicts or tensions
  • Self-doubt or lack of confidence
  • Past traumas
  • Desire to escape overwhelming responsibilities

Understanding your dream hinges on who’s chasing you. If it’s:

  • Chased by a stranger: Might signal a perceived threat from the subconscious. Seeing a stranger in a dream might trigger fear responses, especially if there are past negative experiences or fears related to unfamiliar people.
  • Chased by an animal: The animal’s behavior hints at its symbolic meaning. For instance, a lion chase could represent fear of aggression, while a snake chase might symbolize hidden threats.
  • Chased by a monster or supernatural being: This might mirror deep fears and anxieties, reflecting existential fears or unresolved emotions.
  • Chased by a known person: The known person chasing might symbolize internal conflicts or unresolved emotions projected onto them.

While you can’t fully control your dreams, understanding what triggers stress-related ones can help you confront and manage them, potentially leading to more peaceful and different dreams.

Try these tips for a more peaceful night’s sleep:

For more helpful tips, check out this: How to Perfect Your Evening Routine for a Better Night’s Sleep

#4 Teeth Falling Out

Have you ever had a dream where your teeth fell out? You’re not alone. A 20study has shown that around 39% of people experience this unsettling dream at least once, with 16% having it repeatedly.

Sigmund Freud believed dreams reveal hidden desires and fears. For instance, he suggested that dreams about teeth falling out symbolize sexual anxieties, such as castration anxiety or fear of impotence.

Mental health therapists and professionals explored diverse 21spiritual interpretations of dreams about teeth falling out, such as:

  • Past traumas: Past traumatic experiences you’ve repressed could resurface in your dreams, including those about losing teeth.
  • Problem-solving mechanism: Some 22researchers believe dreams help us tackle problems, so dreaming of tooth loss could signal a need to address issues in your life.
  • Debt or Obligations: Some 23dream interpreters see tooth loss in dreams as a metaphor for unresolved debts or obligations, urging you to address financial or moral responsibilities.
  • Fear of Loss: In24 certain cultures, losing teeth in dreams symbolizes the fear of losing a loved one or facing mortality.

In contrast, this 25research has shown that dreams of teeth falling out in dreams might be linked more to physical discomforts, such as tension in teeth, gums, or jaws upon waking, rather than emotional stress.

Important Note: Freud’s controversial theories continue to captivate psychologists and dream interpreters, yet his ideas are just one viewpoint, with interpretations differing widely among individuals.

#5 Being Naked in Public

The sensation of being naked in public stands as a profound symbol, stirring feelings of 26vulnerability and 27self-consciousness.

Dream researcher Michael Schredl, known for his book 28Reading Dream Literature: Frequency, Influencing Factors, and Self-Rated Benefit, explores dreams, particularly on themes like nudity. He revealed how dreams reflect emotions, past traumas, and subconscious desires, uncovering their psychological depths.

In a study of 2912,159 dreams, researchers analyzed the topic of “being totally or partially nude” as being associated with shame/embarrassment, resulting from the dreamer’s worries about others’ opinions, known as the theory of mind.

Dreaming of public nudity can symbolize diverse interpretations, such as:

  • Desire for authenticity or vulnerability
  • Seeking attention or exposing fears
  • Self-perception and confidence issues.

To help you overcome traumatic memories? You can try this: How to Forget Things (& Finally Move On With Life)

#6 Being Lost or Trapped

When you’re lost or trapped, it might mean you’re confused, feeling powerless, or lacking direction.

1Research has shown that getting lost or trapped in dreams might mirror confusion, powerlessness, or a lack of direction in real life, which reflects psychological issues, such as feeling out of place, overwhelmed, or needing clarity.

Spiritual 30experts suggested that being lost or trapped in a dream occurs during periods of confusion or conflict, reflecting inner turmoil and uncertainty, pointing to deeper psychological issues, such as depression, anxiety, and insecurity.

In his 20study, Stephen K. Carper, a renowned dream analyst and expert, discussed the different interpretations between being lost and being trapped in a dream:

Interpretation of Being Lost:

  • Feeling stuck or unwelcome
  • Unprepared for new challenges
  • Lacking confidence in new situations

Interpretation of Feeling Trapped:

  • Feeling trapped without an obvious solution
  • Frustration and distress from real-life challenges
  • Urges to find solutions and regain control

#7 Being Late or Missing an Important Event

Dreams of being late or missing buses/planes reflect stress and time pressure. They feel vivid, making you doubt reality upon waking. Such dreams might suggest hidden anxiety or stress.

According to the 31Cognitive Theory of Dreaming, dreams help individuals process and make sense of waking experiences. Dreaming about being late or missing an important event could reflect the brain’s attempt to reconcile guilt or regret associated with past events or missed opportunities.

In his book 3233 Ways to Work with Your Dreams, Pal Muller suggests that these dreams may express worries about time. Work stress, looming deadlines, or personal responsibilities usually trigger them. According to him, dreams about being late might reflect:

  • Fear of not meeting expectations or keeping up with demands
  • Fear of missing out on opportunities or falling behind
  • Perfectionism and self-imposed deadlines

Psychotherapist Carolyn Cole advises reflecting on stressful areas of your life and why you might feel behind on seizing opportunities to understand these dreams better. To manage stress:

Ever feel overwhelmed by racing thoughts? Try these: 9 Effective Ways to Clear Your Mind (With Science!)

#8 Being Unable to Move or Speak

Have you ever had a dream where you couldn’t move or speak? It’s an unsettling experience that might reflect deeper meaning, such as feelings of powerlessness, frustration, or a lack of agency.

Studies in psychology indicate that these dreams might reflect underlying feelings of:

  • Powerlessness: Symbolizing a perceived lack of control or influence in real-life events…
  • Frustration or anxiety: Reflecting emotions related to inhibited expression or an inability to take action.
  • Need for assertiveness: Signifying a need to assert boundaries or communicate more effectively in relationships or challenging situations.

33Research suggests that dreams of being unable to move or speak are commonly associated with REM sleep and may be linked to 34sleep paralysis. In this phenomenon, individuals experience an inability to move or speak during sleep transitions that usually last a few minutes and can be scary.

Remember: If sleep-related issues persist or significantly impact daily life, consider consulting a35 healthcare professional for guidance and support.

#9 Meeting a Deceased Loved One

Dreams about loved ones who have passed can offer solace by letting us revisit happy memories or deal with unresolved feelings. They’re a natural part of grieving and seeking closure after loss.

36Studies suggest these dreams, after the loss of a loved one, might offer solace, aid in processing grief and trauma, maintain a connection with the departed, and help manage emotions, assisting in adjusting to the loss.

This 37research indicates that grief dreams are common among the bereaved and can be positive, offering reassurance and maintaining a continuing bond with the deceased. 

This dream can vary from:

  • Visitation dreams: When the deceased appears in dreams, giving comfort or a feeling of presence.
  • Message dreams: Conveying explicit or symbolic messages from the departed, guiding or offering closure.
  • Reassurance dreams: Comfort or assurance, ease emotional pain, and bring peace.
  • Trauma dreams: Involving distressing experiences related to loss, reflecting unresolved emotions or trauma.

For more helpful tips, read these: 12 Types of Grief and Everything You Need to Know About Them

#10 Being in an Exam or Test

Finding yourself in an exam or test scenario within a dream is a common experience that might reflect deeper psychological dynamics related to performance and self-evaluation, which can symbolize:

  • Feelings of being tested
  • Fear of Failure and Judgment
  • Self-criticism
  • Anxiety
  • Need to achieve high expectations in life

For example, Feeling tested, like in high-pressure situations or performance-based roles, can reflect external pressures or personal insecurities. If you lack confidence, such dreams may stem from fear of making mistakes and sensitivity to criticism, highlighting these traits.

36Studies on dream analysis indicate that encounters with exam scenarios in dreams may serve as a means of processing performance-related stressors and integrating experiences of success and failure into our self-concept.

Pro Tip: If you dream about exams or tests, it might be a sign of underlying stress or anxiety. Please take a moment to reflect on these feelings and consider techniques like mindfulness to manage them effectively.

#11 Being Pregnant

Pregnancy dreams usually don’t directly relate to actual pregnancy desires. Instead, they might symbolize new beginnings or opportunities for growth and development.

So, if you’re not actively thinking about having a baby, these dreams likely represent bringing something new into your life metaphorically.

According to dream analyst 38Lauri Loewenberg, dreaming about pregnancy might indicate impending change or new beginnings in your life, reflecting something significant evolving or being born soon, like a preview of what’s to come, signaling a 39transformative phase.

An insight from the dreaming journal suggests that these dreams represent your 40subconscious mind pushing you to try new things and embrace change. Please take it as a signal to step into new things and start 41exciting ventures.

Here are some practical tips for embracing creativity and personal growth:

  • Embrace curiosity: Stay open to new ideas and experiences.
  • Practice self-reflection: Regularly assess your progress and areas for improvement.
  • Step out of your comfort zone: Challenge yourself to try new things.
  • Surround yourself with inspiration: Seek out different environments and diverse perspectives.
  • Cultivate a positive mindset: Focus on solutions rather than dwelling on problems.
  • Prioritize self-care: Take time for rest, relaxation, and activities that rejuvenate your spirit.

#12 Experiencing Natural Disasters

Natural disasters, like hurricanes, earthquakes, tornadoes, and wildfires, can hit suddenly, causing widespread damage and loss of life. These trigger various emotions, such as fear, awe, and anxiety.

What’s the real deal with dreams? Are they just our brains sorting through fears and anxieties, or is there more to them?

Dreams about natural disasters can leave us feeling shaken and unsettled.42 Sleep Medicine Reviews says these dreams might stem from fears of loss, instability, or environmental dangers. They reflect 43emotional turmoil and can provide insights into the dreamer’s current life situation and psyche.

Research in sleep medicine suggests that dreams of experiencing natural disasters may reflect deep-seated anxieties about environmental hazards and 44existential threats, providing insights into our collective fears and concerns.

Here are some interpretations:

  • Fear of losing control: These dreams might reflect a fear of feeling powerless, especially during stressful times.
  • Fear of change: Signifying reluctance to adapt to new circumstances, as natural disasters can bring significant change.
  • Emotional turmoil: Inner distress or a need to process difficult emotions, especially during times of anxiety.
  • Warning signs: In some cases, they could serve as a subconscious warning of potential future events, like earthquakes in earthquake-prone areas.
  • Metaphor for personal crisis: For example, 45floods may represent overwhelming emotions, while 46earthquakes symbolize major life upheavals.

Emotions associated with these dreams:

  • Fear: Commonly evoked by the intensity of the dreams, leaving one feeling scared and anxious.
  • Confusion: Reflecting the chaotic nature of disasters, leading to feelings of disorientation.
  • Sadness: Might triggered by the loss and destruction depicted in the dreams.
  • Awe: Reflecting the overwhelming power and scale of natural disasters, sometimes leaving one feeling small and insignificant.

Take Note: If you keep on having a bad dream, you might need to pursue treatment (or medication) or 47seek support to address underlying stressors and emotions about these bad dreams.

#13 Seeing Snakes

Across cultures, snake dreams might symbolize change or growth, tapping into primal instincts and hidden desires. A snake appearing in a dream can represent various things, such as a warning about toxic behavior, health issues, or healing.

The interpretation of snake dreams can vary based on the emotions they evoke.

For example, A terrifying snake dream may indicate a toxic person in your life, while a more pleasant one could signify health or healing issues.

Dreams about black snakes specifically might symbolize new beginnings, transformation, and rebirth. In Hinduism, dreaming of black snakes can represent confronting fears, spiritual awakening, gaining strength through inner reflection, or warning signs of danger.

Interpretations: Sigmund Freud vs Carl Jung

AspectSigmund FreudCarl Jung
SymbolismRepresents sexuality or phallic symbolsSymbolizes transformation and renewal
InterpretationFreudian interpretation focuses on repressed desires or fear of intimacy.
She viewed snake dreams as sexual desires or fears.
In Jungian theory, snakes symbolize the unconscious mind and the journey of personal growth, where shedding old skin represents renewal and evolution.

#14 Being Attacked or Assaulted

Have you ever been attacked (or assaulted) in your dreams? It was probably a nightmare, right?

In her study, 48Dr. Rosalind Cartwright, a leading authority in dream research, has shown that dreams involving aggression or danger can occur during times of stress or emotional turmoil, serving as a mechanism for the brain to process and cope with negative experiences.

Dreams of being attacked or assaulted delve into profound psychological and 49 emotional territories, embodying themes of 26vulnerability, 50aggression, and51 trauma processing, which delves into sources of pain or control to help release them.

These dreams symbolize:

  • Self-attack
  • Stemming from harsh self-judgment
  • Self-sabotage
  • Unrealistic expectations

Dreams of being attacked can reflect various underlying emotions and situations in your life. Here are some common dream attack scenarios:

  • You were attacked by a fictional character: A subconscious desire to escape reality amid overwhelming challenges. For instance, dreaming of vampires chasing you might symbolize negative influences draining your energy, hinting at the need to confront and let go of lingering negativity.
  • Attacked by an animal: Feeling pursued by or facing off against an animal may signify a struggle for control or avoidance of particular aspects of oneself.
  • It was attacked by an invisible force: Unresolved emotions that need acknowledgment and healing.
  • They are attacking another person: Unresolved anger or conflict, suggesting the need to find healthy outlets for aggressive energy.
  • Witnessing an attack: Reflects passivity in difficult situations, urging you to take initiative rather than being a passive observer.
  • Attacked with a weapon: Symbolizes impending challenges or betrayal. It’s a wake-up call to reclaim control over your life and address dishonesty or insincerity from others.

Such dreams may arise from feeling threatened in waking life, whether by criticism, lies, or other harmful actions. Sometimes, attacking in dreams signifies inadvertently causing pain to others, prompting reflection on one’s actions.

Pro Tip: Try to use a dream journal app to track your emotions, images, and key events from vivid dreams. It helps uncover hidden fears and insecurities, empowering you to understand better and manage them.

#15 Experiencing Death or Dying

Dreams about death might represent our fear of mortality. They can evoke vulnerability and existential dread, manifesting as being chased or witnessing accidents.

Carl Jung, a renowned psychologist, delved into 52dream analysis, including dreams about death. He suggested that dreams use symbols to reveal our inner thoughts, and understanding them can offer insights into our fears and desires.

Dreams about death don’t usually mean someone will die. They might suggest the need for change and growth, symbolizing the end of one phase and the start of another.

Common symbolic meanings of death in dreams:

  • Change and evolution: Death in dreams signifies significant life changes and the emergence of something new.
  • Detach and let go: It urges you to release old patterns, habits, or relationships that no longer serve you.
  • Fear of change: Reflects apprehension towards the unknown during transition periods or major life decisions.

Pro Tip:  Add mindfulness to your bedtime routine for a better sleep cycle and less anxiety. Try meditation, deep breathing, or muscle relaxation to calm your mind and body, reducing nightmares.

Can Dreams Predict the Future?

Dreams are intriguing experiences that reflect our subconscious thoughts and past experiences.

While some individuals believe that dreams predict the future, numerous53 studies have debunked the notion of dreams predicting the future. 54Precognitive dreams, thought to foresee future events, lack solid proof and can brushed off as mere coincidences. A study in psychology has shown that while some cultures see dreams as prophetic, they 55lack scientific evidence. 

Philosophy expert 56Dr. Robert Todd Carroll and other researchers have provided explanations that challenge the concept of 57precognitive dreams, attributing perceived predictions to probability, coincidence, and psychological factors, such as 58selective recall and the tendency to find correspondences.

For Example, When you constantly dream of specific symbols and then experience negative events, you might start believing that those dream symbols predict the future. Over time, you might associate unrelated negative events with those symbols, further strengthening your belief, even without solid proof.

Fun Fact: Did you know? Around 5912% of people report dreaming exclusively in black and white. This tendency is linked to those born before color TV was widespread, hinting at external influences on dream imagery.

Ever wonder what your dreams mean? Let’s dive into common dreams and decode their messages!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on Dreaming

Why do we dream?

Dreams serve multiple purposes, including memory consolidation and emotional processing. They reflect our brain’s sleep activity, aiding learning and adaptation.

How do dreams impact memory and emotions?

Dreams help organize information from short-term to long-term memory, strengthening neural connections. They also provide a safe space to process complex emotions and cope with real-life experiences.

Can dreams predict the future?

While some believe in the prophetic nature of dreams, scientific evidence supporting their predictive abilities still needs to be provided. Dreams are more likely to reflect subconscious thoughts and past experiences rather than foreseeing future events.

What are common dream themes and their meanings?

Dreams might feature recurring themes such as falling, flying, being chased, or experiencing natural disasters. These themes symbolize emotions, fears, and desires, providing insights into our subconscious.

What should I do if I have frequent nightmares?

Prioritize relaxation techniques before bedtime, such as deep breathing or meditation, to promote restful sleep. Establishing a consistent sleep routine and seeking professional support if nightmares persist can also benefit overall well-being.

Key Takeaways

  • Dreams reflect neuroplasticity: Dreams showcase the brain’s adaptability and constant activity, aiding in memory consolidation and emotional processing.
  • Memory consolidation and emotional processing: Dreams help organize information and cope with emotions, contributing to learning and psychological health.
  • REM sleep importance: Regular REM sleep, characterized by vivid dreaming, enhances memory, creativity, and emotional resilience.
  • Dream interpretation: Dreams may not predict the future but reflect subconscious thoughts and past experiences, offering insights into personal emotions and concerns.
  • Common dream themes: Dreams like falling, flying, being chased, or losing teeth might symbolize underlying fears, anxieties, or desires.
  • Mindfulness for better sleep: Practicing relaxation techniques and maintaining a positive bedtime routine can improve sleep quality and reduce stress-related dreams.

Understanding the significance of dreams offers valuable insights into the complexities of the human mind. As we bid farewell to the world of dreams, let us carry the wisdom gained into the light of day!

“The interpretation of dreams is the royal road to knowledge of the unconscious activities of the mind.”

– Sigmund Freud.

For more interesting and helpful tips, check out these: 10 Tips to Boost Your Well-Being.

Article sources
  1. Research
  2. positive dreams
  3. neuroplasticity
  4. adaptation
  5. emotional regulation
  6. complex emotions
  7. unresolved conflicts
  8. psychological stressors
  9. REM sleep
  10. sensation of falling
  11. Man and His Symbols
  12. signal stress or anxiety
  13. Fear of falling behind
  14. Dorothy Chambers
  15. feeling of losing control
  16. sensation of flying
  17. Cross-cultural studies
  18. The Interpretation of Dreams
  19. Healthline
  20. study
  21. spiritual interpretations
  22. researchers
  23. dream interpreters
  24. certain cultures
  25. research
  26. vulnerability
  27. self-consciousness
  28. Reading Dream Literature: Frequency, Influencing Factors, and Self-Rated Benefit
  29. 12,159 dreams
  30. experts
  31. Cognitive Theory of Dreaming
  32. 33 Ways to Work with Your Dreams
  33. Research
  34. sleep paralysis.
  35. healthcare professional
  36. Studies
  37. research
  38. Lauri Loewenberg
  39. transformative phase.
  40. subconscious mind
  41. exciting ventures
  42. Sleep Medicine Reviews
  43. emotional turmoil
  44. existential threats
  45. floods
  46. earthquakes
  47. seek support
  48. Dr. Rosalind Cartwright
  49. emotional territories
  50. aggression
  51. trauma processing
  52. dream analysis
  53. studies
  54. Precognitive dreams
  55. lack scientific evidence.
  56. Dr. Robert Todd Carroll
  57. precognitive dreams
  58. selective recall
  59. 12% of people

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