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35 Fun Things to Do After Work (That Will Refresh You)

“Every activity that didn’t involve a screen was linked to more happiness, and every activity that involved a screen was linked to less happiness.”

This is a quote from researcher Jean Twinge1, from their research on habits that lead to happiness in teens.

It might not be shocking that our happiness should be active. And yet, when the clock strikes 5:00 pm, and it’s time to come home from work, it can be difficult to do anything besides melt into a puddle in front of our laptops. That’s not to say we should never use screens or electronics. They can be a great use of time!

But, in this article, we’ll give you some ideas to turn those precious after-work hours into a weekend, a vacation, and a restorative retreat. 

Afterwork Activities to Connect With Your Creativity

Ready to sprinkle some color into your evenings? Dive into these after-work activities that’ll spark your creative flair.

Draw, doodle, or paint

Research suggests2 that drawing helps improve our moods—whether you are doodling to distract from any negative feelings you have or as a way to express them.

Visual art allows your mind to wander, which makes you feel relaxed and lets your imagination out. Many people also like visual art because it’s tactile.

Action Step: Start with a basic sketchbook. Then, pick a medium or two to try:

Then, just sit down for 20 minutes and draw anything that comes to mind. There’s no wrong way to do it!

There are also countless YouTube videos to help you with tutorials if you’d like. Here’s one of my favorites.

Try a musical instrument

Getting lost in singing or playing an instrument can feel transcendent and, at times, magical. It’s one of the best flow states out there.

Plus, playing music3, even as a beginner, helps with emotional release, reducing anxiety and improving cognitive function. 

Action Step: Pick up an instrument, like a ukulele or keyboard. Dedicate a small chunk of your after-work hours each week to practice and enjoy the melodies you create.

Just like drawing, there are endless YouTube tutorials to help you.

If the idea daunts you, here’s a great intro video into music theory.

Creative writing

Writing provides an outlet for your innermost thoughts, fantasies, and reflections. It enhances vocabulary, boosts cognitive skills, and can produce emotional catharsis.

If you let yourself wander into the fictional caves of your imagination, you might be surprised and delighted at what you find.

Action Step: Try writing a 3-page short story. You can just put pen to paper and see where it goes. Or, if you’d like a place to start, try one of the following prompts:

  • Every night at precisely midnight, a melody floats through your window from an unknown source. Tonight, you decide to follow it. Where does it lead, and what enchanting tale awaits?
  • On a spontaneous road trip, you detour and find yourself in a town that’s not on any map. The residents seem to be hiding a secret. What is the town’s mystery, and do you choose to stay or leave?
  • “I looked up into the mirror and hardly recognized myself…”

And don’t worry, what you write never needs to reach another person’s eyes! This is just for you to explore and express your imagination.

Cooking and experimenting with new recipes

Cooking is an art form that stimulates all five senses. It’s a delightful way to explore cultures, nurture your body with wholesome foods, and cultivate patience and precision.

When you get home from work, consider setting up a culinary adventure.

Action Step: Pick a recipe you’ve never tried and plan to pick up the ingredients and cook it one night this week.

Listen to a music album from start to finish.

Music albums often tell a story or convey a theme, with each track contributing to the larger narrative. Engaging with an album in its entirety allows you to experience the artist’s vision fully, evoking emotions and sparking creativity. 

It’s akin to reading a book chapter by chapter, immersing oneself in its rhythm, highs, and lows. This focused listening can be therapeutic and introspective. It can also connect you more deeply with the musician and cultivate a deeper appreciation for the art of music.

Action Step: Choose an album—a classic you’ve never fully explored or a new release in a genre you love. Create a serene listening environment: dim the lights, lie down or sit comfortably, and maybe even use good-quality headphones. Press play and let yourself be carried away. Consider closing your eyes throughout to take it in thoroughly.

Afterward, jot down any feelings or inspirations it evoked.

Afterwork Activities to Feel Healthy in Your Body

Ready to infuse your post-work hours with a dose of feel-good vibes? Here are activities that’ll make your body hum with health and happiness.

Yoga (or just stretch)

Regular engagement in yoga4 is shown to help with heart function, reduce stress and anxiety, and improve quality of life.

For many, yoga is a gateway into their body and a source of calm. See if it works for you!

Action Step: Either pick a yoga class nearby, use a YouTube yoga class, or set a timer to create your stretching routine.

Here’s one YouTube channel you could give a shot.

Jog or brisk walk

Studies5 point to a massive array of benefits that come with exercising in a way that gets your heart rate up. To name a few, exercise helps with:

  • Better sleep
  • Higher sex drive
  • Better mood
  • More energy throughout the day
  • More mental alertness

There are many ways to get your heart rate up—from biking to soccer.

But you could try giving a shot to the most classic form of cardio–running.

Action Step: Set aside 20 minutes sometime this week after work to move your legs (whether a brisk walk or a full-on jog). 

If you’re not a seasoned runner, the first time might feel difficult. But your body acclimates to running, so the more you do it, the better it will feel.

If you’d like support, try a running app like Strava.

Lift weights

Strength training6 increases metabolic rate, improves bone density, and enhances body posture and overall strength.

A lot of people also like weightlifting because of the “gains.” There are few areas where hard work and consistency reliably translate to measurable improvements reasonably quickly. 

For example, if you want to start a YouTube channel, consistency is necessary. But it’s possible to post a video every week and not build an audience.

But if you lift weights consistently, then after a few weeks, your bench press numbers will go up without question. This can be incredibly gratifying and lead to accomplishment and confidence.

Another perk of lifting weights is that your muscles will get bigger; for some, building their body up can be enjoyable.

Action Step: Invest in a set of resistance bands or dumbbells. Start with basic exercises and consider joining a local gym or online class to guide your routine.


Dancing isn’t just a blast; it’s a full-body workout that improves coordination, balance, and cardiovascular health. It’s also a wonderful way to express emotion and release tension.

Action Step: Consider one of these options to explore dance:

  • Make a playlist of your favorite tunes and jam out in the kitchen
  • Go to a nightclub by yourself or with a friend to bust a move
  • Take a dance class from a local dance studio
  • Try going to an ecstatic dance or 5Rhtyhms class for a more emotional/expressive experience


Swimming offers a low-impact, full-body workout that helps the heart, lungs, and muscles. It can also be therapeutic for the joints and mind.

There are also many people who feel a special kinship with water. Whether in a swimming pool, lake, or ocean, swimming can be a deep and cleansing experience.

Action Step: Dedicate an evening to visit your local pool or beach. Begin with leisurely laps, gradually increasing your intensity and duration as you build stamina.

If you think you might benefit from training to help you with work-life balance and burnout, you might enjoy this free goodie:

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Do you need to recharge? Are you burnt out? It’s not your fault!

Learn the science behind your burnout and use my framework for getting unstuck, increasing your energy, and preventing burnout from happening again.

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Afterwork Activities to Do With Friends

Research suggests7 that having friends you see often and whose company is satisfying is linked with greater life satisfaction.

While this probably isn’t surprising, it’s easy for professionals to focus on their work ambitions while our social relationships drag in the back.

Try out some of these ideas with your friends.

Board game nights

Board games are interactive, strategic, and a fantastic way to bond. They stimulate the mind, encourage conversation, and often lead to laughter.

Action Step: Pick a night and rotate who hosts. You could also meet at a board game cafe.

If you’d like some inspo, here’s a list of games to try with friends.

Potluck dinners

Sharing meals fosters connection, and potlucks allow everyone to showcase their culinary talents.

Plus, it can feel gratifying to cook for friends. You can also get culinary inspiration by trying many dishes in one sitting.

Action Step: Organize a monthly potluck. Choose a theme for the cuisine and let everyone bring a dish.

DIY craft sessions

Crafting is therapeutic, and doing it with friends doubles the joy. It’s a chance to learn from each other and create something memorable.

It can be relaxing to do a mindless craft in each others’ company.

Action Step: Decide on a DIY project and gather the necessary supplies. Choose a comfortable spot and craft away together. Here are a few ideas:

  • Candle making
  • Bracelet making
  • Terrariums
  • Handmade soap

Karaoke nights

What’s better than letting loose to some Taylor Swift with a group full of jovial pals? 

Karaoke builds camaraderie and is a definite mood lifter.

Action Step: Find a local karaoke bar and pick a night to meet some friends for some unabashed singing.

Explore a new bar or late-night café

Discovering a new spot in town creates a sense of adventure and intrigue. It’s an opportunity to sample different ambiances, cuisines, and beverages while creating fresh memories in novel settings.

Action Step: Make a list of local establishments you’ve yet to visit. Pick a spot from the list and invite your friends for an evening of exploration and conversation.

Afterwork Activities to Connect With Your Spirituality

Ready to nourish your soul and find some inner tranquility? Dive into these after-work activities that’ll resonate with your spiritual side.


Meditation is definitely in vogue right now. But for good reason! Hundreds of researchers have studied the benefits of meditation and have found that it helps with mental focus8, reduces depression, and improves your sense of well-being.

Meditation fosters inner peace, self-awareness, and a deep connection to the present moment. It’s a grounding exercise that nurtures the spirit.

Action Step: Dedicate a quiet corner in your home for meditation. Start with just 5 minutes, using guided sessions or focusing on your breath to center your thoughts.

Here is a list of meditation techniques that you can try.

Decompress in the sauna

The heat and solitude of the sauna create a unique environment for introspection and relaxation. The heat intensifies the focus on your breath and can let you access profound states of release and letting go. 

Historically, saunas in various cultures have been regarded as spaces for purification and spiritual connection, with the sweating process seen as a release of toxins and negative energy. 

Merging this with meditation can amplify the experience, making you feel physically and spiritually cleansed.

Action Step: Find a local sauna, whether it’s in a spa, gym, or community center. Before entering, set an intention for your session—perhaps to de-stress, find clarity on an issue, or simply be present. As you sit in the warmth, close your eyes, focus on your breath, and enjoy. 

After the session, hydrate well! And perhaps journal any insights or feelings that arose.

Read spiritual texts

Spiritual literature provides wisdom, insights, and teachings to guide personal growth and deepen spiritual understanding.

Even reading a single page of a spiritual book can guide your inward attention to discover deep lessons about yourself.

Action Step: Select a foundational spiritual or philosophical text from a tradition that resonates with you. Try reading just a few pages tonight. 

If you’re not sure where to start, here are a few popular possibilities:

  • The Power of Now. A book that explores the transformative potential of living in the present moment, freeing oneself from the confines of past regrets and future anxieties.
  • The Four Agreements. This book offers profound wisdom rooted in ancient Toltec traditions, presenting four simple, life-changing agreements to practice for personal freedom and a fulfilling life.
  • The Untethered Soul. This book takes readers on an introspective journey, exploring the relationship with one’s inner self and offering insights into achieving spiritual enlightenment and inner peace.

Nature walks

Did you know soaking up just 120 minutes9 in green spaces each week is linked with improving well-being? Whether you opt for one long outing or sprinkle in nature moments daily, 120 minutes is the mark. 

Research also indicates that more nature is better for you, up until about 300 minutes per week; after that, the perks level out. 

Nature is also a powerful spiritual teacher. Walking amidst trees, rivers, and mountains can evoke a sense of wonder, gratitude, and connectedness to something greater.

Action Step: Choose a serene natural spot free from urban distractions. See if you can stop by this spot after work each day this week and build a relationship with it. 

Stroll through a cemetery

Cemeteries, with their profound stillness and reminders of life’s impermanence, offer a unique space for reflection on the cycles of life and death. 

It’s an opportunity to contemplate your journey and the fleeting nature of existence.

Action Step: Find a cemetery nearby that’s open after you finish your work day. As you walk, remain present, absorbing the messages inscribed on tombstones, feeling the tranquility, and allowing it to foster deep introspection.

Afterwork Activities to Boost Your Knowledge

Eager to feed your brain and quench your thirst for knowledge? Dive into these enriching after-work activities, leaving you feeling intellectually invigorated and ever-curious.

Read a non-fiction book

Author David Foster Wallace describes non-fiction as a chance to “watch somebody reasonably bright but also reasonably average pay far closer attention and think at far more length about all sorts of different stuff than most of us have a chance to in our daily lives.” 

Take advantage of the parts of life others have paid close attention to!

Action Step: Try a non-fiction book. Start with bestsellers or personal recommendations. Do any of these genres appeal to you?

  • Money
  • History
  • Biographies
  • Productivity
  • Activism

Online courses

Online courses offer structured learning on many subjects, often with expert instructors.

Plus, a course can offer a level of accountability that can be hard to get from a book.

Courses are among the best ways to uplevel your knowledge or skill on a topic.

Action Step: Check out this list of courses and see if any appeal to you.

Educational podcasts

Podcasts can be both entertaining and enlightening, making learning feel like leisure.

Plus, it can be extra enjoyable to pop on a podcast while going for a walk.

Action Step: Go to Spotify or Apple podcasts and pick a section that appeals to you. Then, let your curiosity lead the way.

Visit a museum

Museums offer a tangible connection to history, art, and culture.

Though it’s common for museums to close at 5 p.m., so either see if you can find one open later or leave work early one day this week.

Action Step: Pick a museum on Google Maps that piques your curiosity and plan to give it a visit this week.

Join a book club or discussion group

Engaging in discussions can reinforce learning and expose you to varied perspectives. It can also be a fun way to meet new people.

Action Step: Search for local or online book clubs related to your reading interests. Meetup is a great starting point.

Frequently Asked Questions About What to Do After Work

How can I make the most of my time after work?

To make the most of your time after work, prioritize activities that rejuvenate your mind and body while nurturing your interests and connections. See if you can create a new evening routine for yourself where you bake these activities into your schedule.

What are some effective ways to unwind and relax after a long day?

Some effective ways to unwind and relax after a long day include practicing mindfulness exercises, deep breathing, or simply losing yourself in a good documentary or music.

Are there any hobbies or activities that I can pursue to destress after work?

Yes, hobbies like art, music, gardening, or even sports are wonderful activities to pursue after work, providing a creative outlet and a break from routine stressors.

How important is it to maintain a work-life balance during post-work hours?

Maintaining a work-life balance during post-work hours is crucial; it rejuvenates your energy for the next day and ensures you live a fuller, happier life.

Can socializing and spending time with loved ones contribute to overall well-being after work?

Absolutely, socializing and spending time with loved ones after work can greatly boost your emotional well-being, providing a sense of connection and shared joy. Consider putting time in your calendar to hang out with your loved one this week.

Are there any strategies for personal growth and learning that I can integrate into my after-work routine?

Indeed, strategies for personal growth and learning that you can integrate post-work include reading insightful books, enrolling in online courses, or attending relevant workshops.

How does engaging in physical activities or exercise benefit me after a day at work?

Engaging in physical activities or exercise after work helps relieve stress and boost and promote better sleep and overall health.

Takeaways on What to Do After Work

I know as well as any how easy it can be to get engulfed in your work life and to have no time left for yourself until Friday evening arrives. 

But if you take a proactive mindset, you can convert your workday evenings into hours where you’re living your best life. 

Here are a few ideas from above to keep in your back pocket:

  • Listen to a music album from start to finish
  • Swim in a pool
  • Invite a friend to grab a drink or mocktail in an interesting new bar
  • Stop by a sauna
  • Join a book club

Best of luck with your work-life balance!

And if you’d like some tips on how to make your time at your workplace more fulfilling, then you might enjoy this guide.

How to Deal with Difficult People at Work

Do you have a difficult boss? Colleague? Client? Learn how to transform your difficult relationship.
I’ll show you my science-based approach to building a strong, productive relationship with even the most difficult people.

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