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Your Ambivert Quiz Results

Your results are in!

Thanks for taking our Ambivert, Introvert, Extrovert Quiz. Now let’s find out your personality tip, and then I’ll share my favorite strategies for maximizing your personality for professional and social success!

You Are: An Introvert

Someone who gets energy from solo time and focuses more on internal feelings rather than on external sources of stimulation.

vanessa van edwards

Introvert Traits

Do these sound familiar? Here are common characteristics of introverts.

  • You crave alone time. Having time to think, private space and quiet time helps you feel rested and whole.
  • People can drain you. Even the most well-meaning people can pull a lot out of you. You can absolutely do social situations, they just take a lot of energy.
  • When socializing, you like to observe before partaking. You like to think before you speak and have one-on-one conversations rather than speaking in groups.
  • Read our article on 6 ways to optimize your introversion.

Why Introverts Are Awesome

Some of the most talented people in our history have been introverts from Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak to the greatest genius of the 20th century, Albert Einstein. Other super successful introverts:

  • JK Rowling
  • Bill Gates
  • Mahatma Gandhi
  • Laura Bush

Clinical psychologist and professor at the West Virginia University School of Medicine has found that introverts are some of the best employees. Why?

  • Introverts are incredible listeners
  • Introverts are great at asking the right questions
  • Introverts think before they speak and are very observant so often give the best input

Your results are in!

Thanks for taking our Ambivert, Introvert, Extrovert Quiz. Now let’s find out your personality tip, and then I’ll share my favorite strategies for maximizing your personality for professional and social success!

You Are: An Ambivert

Someone who can exhibit qualities of both introversion and extroversion depending on the situation, mood and people they are with.

vanessa van edwards

Ambivert Traits

Do these sound familiar? Here are common characteristics of ambiverts.

  • You like to be around people — the right people. Your close friends can fuel you and bring out your best self. But the wrong people — anyone toxic or difficult — completely drain you.
  • You like social time — as long as you get some recharge time before or after. 3 day party extravaganzas might be a little too much for you. You like to be social, but need some alone time to get ready.
  • You sometimes need to psych yourself up for challenging social situations. Networking, public speaking, holiday parties are all doable, but you need to prepare a little. Having a great wingman or a social plan of attack really help.
  • Read our article on 6 ways to optimize your ambiversion.

Why Ambiverts Are Awesome

Many people assume that extroverts are the best at sales, the best leaders and are the most successful at work—WRONG! Adam Grant, an associate professor at Wharton School, analyzed 35 separate studies and found the statistical relationship between extroversion and income was basically zero.

He conducted a personality survey and collected three-month sales records for more than 300 salespeople, both male and female. The people who ranked right in the middle for extraversion and introversion (ambiverts) turned out to be the best salespeople.

Ambiverts pulled in 24 percent more revenue than introverts and a mind-boggling 32 percent more revenue than extroverts!

Grant guessed that ambiverts seem to strike a balance between the two more extreme personality traits:

“The ambivert advantage stems from the tendency to be assertive and enthusiastic enough to persuade and close, but at the same time, listening carefully to customers and avoiding the appearance of being overly confident or excited,” Grant said.

Your results are in!

Thanks for taking our Ambivert, Introvert, Extrovert Quiz. Now let’s find out your personality tip, and then I’ll share my favorite strategies for maximizing your personality for professional and social success!

You Are: An Extrovert

Someone who gains energy when around others. Typically outgoing, social and expressive.

vanessa van edwards

Extrovert Traits:

Do these sound familiar? Here are common characteristics of extroverts.

  • You crave social time. Being around friends, people you care about and feeling social energy in a room totally revs your engine.
  • You process with people. Having a bad day? You want to call a partner, commiserate with a colleague or have drinks with friends. The last thing you want to do is be alone.
  • You celebrate with people. Having a great day? You want to text a partner, get cocktails with colleagues or drop in on friends. The last thing you want to do is celebrate alone.
  • Read our article on 6 ways to optimize your extroversion.

Why Extroverts Are Awesome

Our personality is part genetics and part environment. Extroverts are on the receiving end a great benefit–they tend to be happier. This research found that extroverts tend to be more optimistic, cheerful and better at mood regulation.

Why is this important? Extroverts can often be infectious with their social confidence–this means that you are a power for good in the world. Use your social confidence as a gift and help it spread. Watch Vanessa’s TEDx Talk for more:

Want to harness the power of your personality?

Get the Book

Optimize your communication by learning how to get along with anyone, not everyone.

Do you wish you could decode people? Level up your relationships? Ask for a raise? Vanessa will take you through the latest human behavior science. Captivate became a national bestseller in its first week, was chosen by Apple as one of the most anticipated books of the year and has already been translated into 14 languages!

  • Introverts are already great at observing people–Captivate is about teaching introverts to use this natural power to socialize more effectively.
  • The best chapter for introverts might be Chapter 6: Decode. This is all about how to decode facial expressions and body language to decipher emotions. This is like adding a super power to your observational arsenal.
  • One essential skill for introverts is also learning the process of deep relationships. Part I of Captivate is the first five minutes — first impressions and immediate rapport building. Part II is the first five hours — digging deeper and having incredible conversations. Part II however is the first five days — this is how you have lasting relationships with loyal friends and partners.

Get the Course

Wish you had learned people skills in school? Vanessa created the ultimate soft skills school for professional high achievers. Learn 12 advanced people skills in our flagship course, People School:

This incredible course is completely virtual and is only open at select times — limited enrollment means you get personalized feedback from Vanessa and our People School coaches. Our mission is to help you hit your career goals using advanced interpersonal intelligence–from negotiating, to networking, to building rapport with your boss.

  • We love Adventurous Introverts — in fact Vanessa built People School for you. Since People School is completely virtual introverts can watch at their own pace and interact and practice only when (and if) they are ready.
  • Introverts will benefit most from Skill #2: Priming. This is how introverts can set themselves up for social success before even entering a room. It’s a magical science.
  • Vanessa created Skill #10: Assert Yourself for aspiring leaders and introverts who want to increase their impact in an authentic way.

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