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Your Charisma Quiz Results

Your results are in!

Thanks for taking our Charisma Quotient Quiz. Now let’s find out how warm…or competent you are with others so you can best know how to work with other people similar to, or different than your own personal brand of charisma!

You Are The Warm Achiever

vanessa van edwards

Characteristics of the Warm Achiever

As a friendly face and a generous spirit, you excel in building others up. You have a keen listening ear and are supportive of new ideas with your colleagues and team. As a Warm Achiever, you have a desire for camaraderie, friendship and cohesion within the workplace.

You feel that the people in a place make or break the organization.

As a Warm Achiever, you:

  • Are the first person in the office to ask about someone’s day–and you enjoy getting to know the people you work with.
  • Value regular professional engagement and are quick to offer a smile and listening ear.
  • Respect those around you by encouraging participation and involvement from everyone–no idea is a bad one.
  • Coordinate team personalities effortlessly as you have an innate skill of knowing people’s strengths.

You find yourself always wanting to leave a lasting impression on those around you, which can be exhausting with the constant influx of human capital. There’s an enormous effort of friendliness by you–sometimes reciprocated, sometimes not.

You tend to be the peacemaker or the cheerleader.

No matter the project or task at hand, you will move mountains to create a cohesive team dynamic, even if this means sacrificing your own ideas or goals. Be cautious though, as often this can mean your own thoughts can be lost in the shuffle.

Let me tell you: You deserve to be remembered, acknowledged and taken seriously—and you do NOT have to give up your likability to do it. All of these traits as The Warm Achiever equipped with the right skills and mindset, put you in a unique position to have complete control and understanding of your Charisma Quotient.

Warm Leaders & Managers

  • Encourage teammates
  • Inspire colleagues and keep up morale
  • Support and cheerlead

Warm Communicators

  • Get people to open up
  • Have exceptional bonding abilities
  • Tend to be well-liked amongst both colleagues and clients

Warm Collaborators

  • Specialize in building rapport
  • Can quickly warm up cold leads
  • Have a large and robust network to pitch

My Recommendations For You

Based on your Charisma Quotient, I can make a few recommendations that will help you improve your professional people skills. I’ve created a 12-Step video training program to help you master your people skills for career success., and I call it People School.As a warm achiever, People School will help you specifically in these skills:

  • Capture Attention: You are no stranger to active engagement with the people around you. There are, however, specific ways that we can engage with others to send nonverbal messages about our thoughts and intentions. Since you are already high in warmth I recommend you use this skill to increase your power, influence and confidence.
  • Harness Your Power: You already know how to connect so I want to amplify your presence and add power to your first impression. This is about both confidence and control.
  • Assert Yourself: How can you make sure your opinions are heard? How can you gain more respect? In this skill I dive into how to be taken more seriously and assert yourself in an authentic way.
  • Career Development Plan: Do you know your 5 year plan? Are you energized by your goals? EVERYONE, no matter where they fall on the Charisma scale should have a Career Development Plan. I teach you how to make yours, along with your People Workflow and the 4 core competencies of Business PQ in our free orientation.

I know you are on a professional journey of success and effectiveness. To succeed in business you must have strong people skills. There is a science to soft skills and I teach it to you in People School. I take the latest groundbreaking research from behavioral psychology, neuroeconomics, and corporate communication and give you the single best soft skills training available.

Your results are in!

Thanks for taking our Charisma Quotient Quiz. Now let’s find out how warm…or competent you are with others so you can best know how to work with other people similar to, or different than your own personal brand of charisma!

You Are The Competent Achiever

vanessa van edwards

Characteristics of the Competent Achiever

As a diligent worker and mastermind, you excel in getting the job done. You have an innate ability for efficiency and focus–you are the king/queen of completion. As a Competent Achiever, you have a desire for clarity and systems within the workplace.

You know that without proper organization and planning, nothing can or will get done.

As a Competent Achiever, you:

  • Perform your given duties exceedingly well–the most important part of your work is the work itself.
  • Excel in environments of quiet focus–you often prefer to work alone or in small teams.
  • Respect the process. Everything should follow a strict process or system for efficiency.
  • Are an impressive expert in your field with extensive experience and industry-recognized certifications.

You tend to be the stabilizer or the analyzer.

With a clear sense of purpose and limited emotional chaos, you serve as the consistency within an organization. Your ability to make smart and quick decisions can sometimes be slowed down or thwarted by other people within your team. You don’t always enjoy team ‘bonding’ exercises, trust falls and overly ‘talking things through,’ which can be frustrating while trying to make progress on a project.

Here’s the thing: You don’t have to sacrifice your credibility or fake being friendly. There is a better way. All of these traits as The Competent Achiever equipped with the right skills and mindset, put you in a unique position to have complete control and understanding of your Charisma Quotient.

Competent Leaders & Managers

  • Get buy in from others
  • Influence team members

Competent Communicators

  • Run meetings and keep to the agenda
  • Persuade people to their point of view
  • Are strategic about relationship building

Competent Collaborators

  • Leverage strengths across teams and team members
  • Assess weaknesses and apply conflict resolution as needed
  • Find the best idea or action step during discussions

Competent Salespeople

  • Guide clients through a project
  • Give very direct, powerful sales pitches to get a yes
  • Have a strong reputation that precedes them

My Recommendations For You

Based on your Charisma Quotient, I can make a few recommendations that will help you improve your professional people skills. I’ve created a 12-Step video training program to help you master your people skills for career success., and I call it People School.As a competent achiever, People School will help you specifically in these skills:

  • Increase Likability: We want people to see you as both competent and approachable. Likability helps you be more open, encourage professional bonding and improve your colleague relationships–all essential for professional success.
  • Capitalize on Your Relationships: Your relationships are career currency and you have to know how to build them, maintain them and capitalize on them. This will help you reduce team stress, feel more in tune with colleagues and increase the value of your network.
  • Career Development Plan: Do you know your 5 year plan? Are you energized by your goals? EVERYONE, no matter where they fall on the Charisma scale should have a Career Development Plan. I teach you how to make yours, along with your People Workflow and the 4 core competencies of Business PQ in our free orientation.

I know you are on a professional journey of success and effectiveness. To succeed in business you must have strong people skills. There is a science to soft skills and I teach it to you in People School. I take the latest groundbreaking research from behavioral psychology, neuroeconomics, and corporate communication and give you the single best soft skills training available.

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