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Course Resources

Here are all of the resources and videos for you to practice with during the breaks!

Day one, section one

  • Watch the Nixon Kennedy Debate:

Notice the difference between Nixon and Kennedy’s body language. Can you see how Nixon lost the debate before he even started talking? He showed “Defeated Body Language” which we will learn about in the course.

Day one, section two

See how fast the baby goes from the Fear Microexpression into the Happiness Microexpression? Facial expressions start young, happen fast and are easily visible!

Day one, section three

Day one, section four

Day two, section one

Day two, section two

Day two, section three

  • Write Your Nonverbal Sales Pitch

Day two, section four

  • This is one of my favorite Shark Tank pitch videos:

OneSole on ABC’s Shark Tank from Dominique Barteet on Vimeo.

Day three, section two

Ways to Practice:

Day three, section three

Watch the Nonverbal Brand Videos and Resources:

Science of People

Our mission is to help you achieve your social and professional goals faster using science-backed, practical advice.

Our team curates the best communication, relationship, and social skills research; turning into actionable and relatable life skills.

Science of People was founded by Vanessa Van Edwards, bestselling author of Captivate: The Science of Succeeding with People and Cues: Master the Secret Language of Charismatic Communication.

As a recovering awkward person, Vanessa helps millions find their inner charisma.

1 thought on “Creative Live Insider”

  1. Love the last video persuading the investors, I wonder whats your take on her face expressions in the next creativelive sessions. Thanks for the insights today Vanessa!

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